Before The Big Day

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I wake up and I smell food (wow I can really see why me and niall are together) I walk down stairs after brushing my hair and I see harry cooking breakfast "morning harry" I say "morning there is a letter on the counter for you" harry says "ok" I say I walk over to the counter and I see a envelope with my name written on it I open the envelop the letter read....

Dear Emily

me and the boys have gone out today and I am seeing some old friends so in the house should be Liam, Harry and you. harry is there to make sure Liam doesn't try anything you can do anything you want today but just remember that you have to go back to the hotel tonight and If I find that you have tried to see Niall I will be mad he has been warned to so he can't ring you and harry has been told to make sure you don't ring him..... anyway I will be back at the hotel later so I will see you later

See you later

Reanne and The Boys

P.S Niall says he loves you x

I put the letter down and walk back into the kitchen and I see harry sitting at the table "what does the letter say?" he asks I hand him the letter and he smiles while he is reading it suddenly liam comes down shirtless "morning" he says "morning" me and harry say together "so where are the boys and reanne, niall would be down here straight away if he smelt food" liam said "what like Emily did" harry said liam rolled his eyes "they went out so it is just me you and harry today" I said "well you should go out and get some lunch later" harry said "ok I will just go and get ready" I said "ok see you soon" they said i went upstairs and i got in the shower and decided to relax for a bit because we wasn't ment to be going out yet....


i am going to keep a close eye on liam so he doesn't try anything because i don't want Emily stressed out because of liam i hope nothing happens...


i am go glad i get to go out with Emily before the wedding. todays the day of the plan Louis said not to do it but Louis is not the boss of me so i will do whatever i want. i just hope it goes well and doesn't back fire on me i know what i am doing and i have everything planned so nothing can go wrong unless harry messes it up....


i get out of the shower and i get dressed and dry my hair suddenly i hear someone shouting "COME ON EMILY LETS GO!" "COMING" i shout back knowing it is harry i grab a shoulder bag and my purse and phone and my sunglasses and i walk down the stairs and i slip my converse and on but don't tie them up i lock the front door and i get in the car where the boys are "why are your shoe laces not tied?" liam asks "because you two didn't give me anytime to tie them" i said bending down to tie them i finish tieing them and i sit up and look out the window "where are we going?" i ask "nandos" liam says "or as niall would say NANDOS!" harry said with his arms in the air. we finally got to nandos and we got in a booth where no one could see us harry sat next to me and liam sat facing me a blonde haired girl walked up to us i thought liam would look at her but he didn't he kept looking at me "hey guys i will be your waitress for today so what will you have?" she asked "i will have the chicken breast please" i said looking up from the menu "ok" the waitress said the boys ordered there food and we ordered drinks and suddenly harry said "i am just going to go to the toilet be right back" he got up from the table and walked to the bathroom. liam moved closer to me "are you ok liam?" i asked "yeah fine just glad i get to spend the day with you" he said "ok" i said suddenly i felt liam leaning in closer and closer until i felt his lips on mine i kissed back for about 2 seconds and then realised what i was doing was wrong i pulled away as fast as i could and i did the only thing i could do and that was run i got out my seat and ran out of nandos......

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