The Unexpected Note

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me and niall have just got into the hotel room and I finally found out where was are... we are in LA California I have always wanted to come here my favourite youtuber lives here I don't think I will see him but still. me and niall walking into the hotel room and I drop my bags and jump onto to the bed niall followed after me we are both lying on the bed and I say "i need to get out of these clothes it is to hot" "i know right let me get your suitcase" niall said he got off the bed and I got up slowly as soon as I got up he put my suitcase on the bed and I went to open it. I open it to revel a note and clothes I haven't seen before in my life the note read....

Dear Emily (and Niall)

so you are probably thinking "why is there none of my clothes in here?" well I didn't pack them because me, Robyn and Kirsty went and brought you new ones that Niall would like so don't expect anything that you usually wear in there and don't go and buy things either else I will be mad so have a good honeymoon and wear what I have put in and tell Niall that the boys put something in his suitcase for him have fun....


I put the note on the bed and I felt two arms rap around my waist "what has she put in then?" he asked I took out the first piece of clothes which was short shorts my eyes widened "i can't wear these" I said niall twisted me around and held my waist "what does the note say" niall asked "that I have to wear them" I said "and that is what you shall do" niall said he kissed me and he kept deepening it and we fell back on the bed I pulled away "later" I said "ok then" he said winking at me he pulled me up and I said "oh the boys have put something in your suitcase" I said "ok" niall said I kept getting the clothes out and the more I looked threw them the more I didn't like them.....


I opened my bag and I saw a note for me I took it out and it read....

Dear Niall

we have put something that will benefit you and Emily because we think it would be best be careful take it slow and be gentle LOUIS STOP WRITING THE LETTER I WILL DO IT.... sorry Louis was writing that bit it is now liam writing this but they will be found in the pocket of your suitcase but do what you want have a good honey moon and relax reanne will look after us if not harry will so just don't worry about us ttyl bye

Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry

I can't believe they have done that god sake I thought Louis would do something like this it is amazing how well I know him


I am laying on the beach next to emily and she is in her swimwear and I am in my trunks. I pick her up and I run to the sea "NIALL HORAN PUT ME DOWN NOW!" she shouts "ok" I say as I am in the water and about to drop her "NO NO NO NO IF YOU DROP ME I SWEAR TO GOD" emily said I dropped her in the water and she comes up from the water and jumped on me we both fall backwards into the water we both come up and got out the water with both of us laughing we go and sun bathe for a bit longer


me and emily are at in the hotel room and we are watching a movie she has her head on my chest and I am playing with her hair I am not really taking notice of the movie she looks up at me "i know what your doing" she said "what am I doing?" I asked smirking "you know your doing" she said I pulled her up onto my lap and I kissed her and the kiss got deeper and more passionate and lets just say the rest of the night was full of passion and love.......

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