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3 WEEKS LATER.......


I am sat In my bedroom and I am looking at all my clothes because I am pregnant they dont really fit like what Reanne, Robyn and Kirsty brought me for my honey moon but I feel fat. I open my wardrobe and I stare at all my clothes and thanks to Niall I have a load of them and I don't need most of them. I have so many snapbacks now because Niall likes to wear them. I get up and go over to my wardrobe and pic some clothes out...


Denim Shorts - Nope they don't fit

Pencil Skirt - Not a chance that will fit

Tank Top - Don't think it will

Jeans - Not a cat in hells chance they will fit

My Favourtie Purple Dress - Wouldn't fit its to straight

I put everything back in my wardrobe and I walk out and shut the door behind me and I walk to the lounge where everyone is sitting I park myself on the end of the sofa next to Niall he kisses my cheek and puts his arm around me. I let out a sigh Niall turned his head and looked at me "what's the matter em?" he asked his accent mixed with concern and worry. "non of my clothes fit me now my bump has grown so I have nothing to wear and I sure as hell am not going to wear my onsie every where" I said "well why don't we go clothes and shoe shopping" Reanne said "well I am sure as houses not going" Zayn said "me either" Harry said "and any way I thought me and you was having a day together reanne" Harry said "oh yeah I did promise you" Reanne said "well i'll go" Liam said "Niall you don't have to come with us" I said "thanks babe" Niall said kissing my cheek again "i might as well go" Louis said this is a really good opportunity for Louis and Liam to get closer "yeah me, Liam and Louis will go clothes shopping and you lot can stay here" I said I went and got changed into a loose pair of jeans and a loose tank top because I knew they fit and I put some flat shoes on because I can't tie laces because I can't see them and I grab my bag and put my phone in it and purse and I walk back into the longue where they where all still sitting Liam and Louis got up "well we will see you later" Liam said as we walked off the bus into a taxi that took us to a shopping centre and we got out and went into the building.


I can't believe I agreed to go clothes shopping with Emily but at least I get to spend more time with Liam I just want to make a move I know I can't management wouldn't like that. Emily is dragging us around shops like New look, Top shop. Urban outfitters, Select and other clothes shops and she goes and tries stuff on in every shop so me and Liam are left outside waiting. We are now outside waiting for Emily to come out and Liam has pulled out his phone I look over his shoulder and see he is on twitter I go over and sit on the arm of the chair "you ok li ?" I ask "yeah just a bit stressed" he sighed "awww do you want to talk to me about it ?" I asked "i wouldn't mind" he said I sat on the chair facing him "so tell me what's wrong" I said "well I like this person and I don't know if they like me back but I don't want to ask them" Liam says "describe them to me" I said "well they have brown hair, a long last name, they love carrots and they are very funny" Liam said. Suddenly I hear my phone go off I pull it out of my pocket the message says


I turn towards the changing rooms and I see Emily's right eye popping out of the curtain I gave her a glare and she nodded at me I turned to Liam "Liam I feel the same about some person but I don't know how they feel about me" I say "do you think this person likes you?" Liam asked "i don't know I am worried they don't" I said Liam looked into my eyes and I felt myself leaning in and I saw him leaning in as well suddenly are lips are touching and I feel sparks and fireworks running threw my body I smiled into the kiss I felt him pull me from my chair and into his lap. I pulled away with the need to breath I smiled and so did Liam "that was nice" Liam said "i know are you now willing to tell me the person you like?" I asked "yeah Lou it was you what about your person" he said "it was you Li" I said "so where do we go from this?" I asked "well....." Liam started


"well.....we can go on a date" I said "i would like to" Louis said I kissed his cheek "but you have to ask me properly" Louis said "are you serious?" I asked "well if your going to be like that" he said turning away from me "ok, ok Louis Tomlinson would you do me the honour of going on a date with me?" I asked really professionally "well if you put it like that...." he said he turned around he was now facing me my hand went up and caressed his cheek while my eyes examined all his facial features soon enough I felt his lips against mine. Our lips fit together like two puzzle pieces as they move in sync we hear "i see you took my advice" we both knew it was Emily. Louis pulls away but is still looking at me and I am still looking at him "shut up Walker" Louis says smiling "its Horan that you very much" she says, we can tell she has her hand on her hip. I chuckle lightly and Louis hits me on the arm and pouts I kiss his pout and he smiles again "am I invisible to you two?" Emily asks "what do you....." Louis stops when he turns and sees Emily in a purple dress that fits perfectly "you look..." I started "Amazing" me and Louis said together she smiled and spun around showing off the dress (A/N: DRESS ON THE SIDE >) "i swear to god if you don't get that dress I surely will" Louis said snapping his fingers in a Z shape "ok, ok I will let me just go and take it off" she said walking back into the dressing rooms "can I just ask what would you of done with the dress if you had brought it?" I asked "either given it to Emily or make one of the other boys wear it and posted a picture on twitter" Louis said smiling "as long as it wouldn't be me then that's fine" I said laughing "well your lucky then aren't you" he said smirking. 10 Minutes later Emily comes out of the dressing room with a load of clothes and puts Niall's credit card in the machine as he said it was a treat for him to pay for her clothes as they are husband and wife. We go into quite a few more shops and by the end of this shopping trip we are all carrying more than one bag. We get a taxi back to wear the bus is parked and we all carry the bags back onto the bus as soon as we all get on we hear "HOW MUCH DID YOU BLOODY BUY?!?!" which come from Harry, Zayn and Niall but Reanne just sat there knowing Emily would buy this much.

Emily walked up to Niall and handed him his credit card back "lets just say you are not having this for a while" he said wafting it in front of her face "well just for that you can carry all the bags to the bed room" Emily said smiling Niall groaned as he got up off the sofa and picked up some of the bags knowing he would have to make more than one trip to get all of the bags. Emily walked back to her bedroom and Niall followed suit. Harry and Reanne went to there bedroom and Zayn got in his bunk which left me and Louis we sat on the sofa cuddled up together watching superman because Louis likes it can't wait to take him on a date......

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