Before The Concert

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so this is are 2nd day in london and the boys are perfoming tonight and we are going to the arena for a sound check well the boys are i am just tagging along. we get to the arena and it is so big i stood right at the front and i looked out and it is really big. suddenly two arms rapped around me "hey babe enjoying the view" a irish accent said "yeah the view is amazing" i said smiling "what just like you?" niall said "awww thanks you better go and get ready for the sound check" i said suddenly niall turned me around "do i have to?" niall said "yes you do" i said "ok one last thing" niall said niall crashed his lips into mine i felt butterfiles in my stomach and like fireworks erupting in my stomach i felt niall fiddling with something i pulled away and rested my forehead against nialls and i looked down he was fiddling with the heart he got me "you know i ment what i said if you want my heart you can have it i would love you to have it" he said "i am still thinking niall" i said "i know babe it's fine" he said he kissed me again and walked back stage i followed just after woods 

i walked to zayns dressing room and knocked on the door "come in" i heard him say from the other side of the door i walked in and sat on the sofa that was in the coner "are you ok emily?" zayn asked "well niall just kissed me right at the front of the stage and i really don't know what to do zayn?" i said "emily give it time your heart and head will tell you who you want and every thing will be ok" zayn said "but what if i make one boy sad and one direction falls apart" i said "well it won't come to that emily now don't worry about it" zayn said he hugged me "zayn time for the sound check" one of the backstage people said "coming" zayn said he got up and walked to the mirror and checked his hair "zayn your hair looks good all the time" i said "thanks are you going to come and watch the sound check" zayn said "yeah sure i'm coming" i said me and zayn walked towards the stage and he walks out onto the stage and i look and see louis niall and harry out there already so the boys are just waiting for liam suddenly liam comes running up to me kisses me cheek and runs out on stage i wonder what he's been doing.....


watching liam kiss emily makes my blood boil i looked towards zayn who was walking towards me "just calm down we can all see you are getting mad you have tensed your jaw" zayn said "sorry mate it's just him kissing her makes my blood boil" i said "i know but she is worrying that she will split one direction up" zayn said "that will never happen" i said "i know i have told her" zayn said "ok boys are you ready" one of the back stage guys said "yeah" we all shout we all get up and perfom a few songs and i walk back to my dressing room and i get ready for the show i am still really pissed off at liam and i will go and talk to him about it.....


i walk into my dressing room and it has been done up with twinkling lights and a table and candles and everything i have planned a really romantic date for me and emily she hasn't come yet is probley with zayn they are best friends so they talk for hours suddenly there is a knock at the door "who is it?" i say "its emily" she says "coming" i say i turn the lights off and turn the fairy lights on it looks really good i open the door to see emily who is in a dress with her leather jacket and high heeled boots she must of changed earlier "wow liam this is amazing" she says smiling "and its all for you" i say "really" she says "yeah i know it is not at good as he date you had with niall but i have tryed my best" i said 

"liam its the thought that counts" she said "come and sit down"i say i pull the chair out for her to sit down "thanks" she says sitting down "its ok" i say we sit eating dinner and we was just talking about random stuff and i kept telling jokes and she laughed at them "you look beautiful emily" i said "thanks i love this outfit" she said for dessert i got her favourite ice cream (veinetta vanilla ice cream with bits of chocolate in) and we sat down and ate it and i must admit it was very nice when we finish it emily gets up and i get up to i get closer to her i lift her head up and kiss her i feel like butterflies come to my stomach and fireworks erupt in my stomach suddenly i am pushed to the floor "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING LIAM?" niall shouts


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING LIAM?" niall shouts "KISSING MY GIRL" liam shouts niall punches liam in the face "SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRL" niall shouts liam punches niall in the face "SHE ISN'T YOURS EITHER" liam shouts i run over and try to drag them apart but i get pushed back and i fall to the floor and bang my head and suddenly everything goes black....


"GET OVER YOURSELF NIALL AS IF SHE WOULD FALL FOR YOU" liam shouts "SHE WOULD SHE WOULDN'T FALL FOR YOU" i shout "SHE OBVIOUSLY WOULD" liam shouts we fight for a bit more and then we are suddenly pulled away from each other louis is holding me and harry is holding liam and i see zayn down on the floor i can't see what happening....


we run into liams dressing room and we see liam and niall fighting on the floor louis and harry are holding the two boys and i look down on the floor and i see emily out cold with blood trickling off her head "oh my god emily" i say as i run over to her side "emily wake up" i say shaking her she doesn't wake up but i can tell she is breathing "LOUIS OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" i shout i pick emily up and i see niall and liams faces they both look like they are about to cry i run to my dressing room with emily in my arms and kick my door open and i put her on my sofa i run over to the table with my stuff on i get out a bottle of water and a flannel and i dab emilys head and she is burning up the boys come in and i am panicking 

i dab emilys head more and i clean the blood up and i put a plaster on emilys head and i sit there and watch for any change and so do the boys "right boys time for the show" one of the back stage people  come into the room and say "i can't go out there" i say "zayn calm down emily will be ok and we are not going to be out that long" niall said "yeah your right i am sure she will be fine" i said i walk out the room really worrying about emily....


i walk into the room and emily is sat there on her phone "what the hell are you doing?" i say staring at her "i am on twitter" she said "not now your not you have just had a nasty bump to the head so no phone not tonight" i say taking her phone off her "yes dad" she said yes i am acting like her dad because she has just had a nasty bump to her head and she might feel dizzy or sick or some thing and the light will not help a head ache emily lays down while i get changed and she falls asleep so i carry her back onto the bus and i put her to bed so she can get her rest she has had a long day.......

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