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We get Emily back to the tour bus and we follow a load of people on twitter. Emily is currently sleeping Niall kept getting annoyed when we wanted to go home. it is no our fault, Harry and Reanne have gone to there room, Zayn is Skyping Perrie, Niall and Emily are in there room and me and Liam are sat on the sofa eating ice cream and watching Toy Story.

"Liam? i asked

"Yeah?" he asked looking at me

"Do you want to go out?" i asked

"Louis babe we are on the road we are driving we can't just stop the tour bus" Liam said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"i have everything planned" i said suddenly the tour bus stopped "come on get up" i said getting up myself

"But i don't wanna" Liam whined

"if you don't get up i will burn all of your Toy Story DVD'S" i threatened

"No no no don't do that please fine i will get up" Liam said getting up

"Now come on" i said dragging Liam out of the tour bus door

i get out car driver to drive us to a beach where i know everything is set up and it is peacefull...


"Where are we going?" i asked being dragged down a beach

"Thats for me to know and you to find out" Louis said

i mentally goraned Louis has never done anything like this i am to impatient for things like this

"LOUISSSSSS" i whined

"Liam if you don't shut up....WE'RE HERE!" He shouts right in my ear

I turn to see a table with surronded by candles and a chair type thing higher up on the beach

"Oh my god Louis...." i said shocked

"You don't like it?" he said like he was going to cry

"No i don't like it" i said

His jaw dropped

"I love it!" i say throwing my hands up the air and then around Louis's neck

"Well come on then" Louis said taking my hand and dragging me down to the table and chairs.

We walk hand in hand to the table and chairs and Louis pulls the chair out for me to sit down

"why thank you" i said "it's ok" Louis said as he sat down as well

"so what are we having to eat?" i asked

"oh yeah" Louis said clicking his fingers, suddenly Zayn walks out in a suit and tie

"Here you go gentlemen enjoy" Zayn said smiling

He lifts up the cover from the plates and I see chicken and vegetables

"This looks amazing" I said licking my lips

"All thanks to Harry" Louis said

"Does that mean I am going to have to cook in this relationship?" I asked

Louis smiled and nodded

"Oh boy" I said.

We started to eat up and by the end I was full. Zayn came and collected our plates

"Where is he coming from?"i asked

"Oh the tour bus is park just up on the road so he is coming from there" Louis said

"Oh Louis your so sweet" I said

"Would you like dessert babe?" Lou asked

"Yes please" I said wondering what it could be

Louis clicks and Zayn comes with 2 plates

"Your paying me double for this" Zayn said with a smirk

I laughed a bit

Zayn lifted the lids up and revealed ice cream with chocolate sauce

"And before you say anything no it is not just normal chocolate sauce it is Belgium chocolate sauce" Zayn said them walked off

"Oh we got told" I laughed

"Well eat up then" Louis said

When I put the first fork full of ice cream in my mouth it was like heaven in my mouth (and before you say anything I am afraid of spoons don't judge me)

I finished my ice cream and i lay back in my seat


"Well come on princess Liam we need to get back to the bus" Louis said smirking

Today has been filled of sitting on a beach, eating, relaxing and toy story films

Me and Louis take a slow walk back up to the tour bus. The door opens for us and we hear a load of crying

We rush towards it and we see Niall sat down crying on the sofas

"What's the matter?" I asked

"Management told us that we have to get rid of Emily" Zayn said

"WHY?!" Me and Louis shouted in sync

"Because she is pregnant and the fans don't like her"

Something One Directon Didn't Expect (A One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now