Its Good To Talk About It

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so today i am going to lunch with zayn to talk about whats happening i feel like i have found a great friend in zayn he will listen to me and talk about anything i want so i wake up and 9:00am to get ready i go in the shower and i come out and dry off i straighten my hair and i put my jeans on with my top that said "live life happy" on it and my hoodie on i walked out my room and i walked to the kitchen to make breakfast i made some toast and i ate it while i watched tv with molly (my dog) there was not really anything on so me being a kid at heart still i looked at what was on kids channels to see if there was any old programs i liked on i saw that this program called horrible histories was on and i used to love that when i was a kid so i decided to watch it when the episode had gone off niall come down stairs and i made him some breakfast and i walk in the living room to see this program i used to love called wolfblood so me and niall watched it "what is this program about?" niall asked "it is a program about these kids who are half human half wolf and they try to live a normal life and the girl had human friends and they didn't know and it is really good" i said smiling "ok" niall said we watched a bit more and i looked at the time and it was 11:00am "are you going out any where?" niall asked "yeah i am going out at 11:30 with zayn" i said "why?" niall asked "to talk about every thing that is happening" i said "ok but text me later please" niall said "ok i will see you later" i said "see you later" he said he kissed my cheek and left 



i open the door to see zayn "hey how are you zayn" i asked "fine thanks" he said so me and zayn went to a resturant and i got a sandwich and so did zayn we both ate in silence and when we had finished we started talking "so whats been happening?" zayn asked "right so last night niall come to my house and he stayed at mine in my spear room but when i saw the magazine i thought i would tear those to apart and they are in a band so if they hated each other it might split the band up and cause trouble and it is all my fault and i feel really bad" i said "emily there is no need to feel bad because they got there selfs into this" zayn said "i feel really bad thought" i said "don't emily they want you to choose but i say wait and see how they treat you" zayn said "yeah i will do that we better leave they will be wondering where you are" i said so me and zayn payed for lunch and we walked past a news agents and i saw the magazine that first brought out the story about me niall and liam has brought out another story about us there was a picture with me and niall in my home and niall had his arm around me and there is a picture of liam and the headline was "is the brown haired beauty with niall behind liams back?" i read that and felt like i had just died inside i turned to zayn and my eyes was tearing up "emily whats wrong?" zayn asked "lets just go" i said so zayn walked me back to my house and we said goodbye and i went into my house and i watch some tv with my dog i can't believe all this is happening to me


i walked back to mine and the boys house and i walked in to screaming and shouting "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" i shouted "ASK HIM!!" liam shouted handing me a magazine it was a picture of emily and niall in her house sitting watching tv and a picture of liam and the headline was "is brown haired beauty with niall behind liams back?" so thats what emily got upset about in the shop i feel really bad for her "ENOUGH I AM SICK OF THIS HAD ANY OF YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HOW EMILY FEELS?" i shouted "no" they both said "i didn't think so you know i went to lunch with her today and you know what?" i said "no" they said "she blames herself for all this she says it all her fault you two are falling out and arguing and you know what i disagree with her because it is both your faults that you 2 are arguing with each other and it is making emily sad" i said "we know we feel really bad they both said "no i suggest you apologise to her because she is feeling really sad" i said "ok we will" they said "good" i said god sometimes i feel like i am farthering these boys 


i text emily.....

Zayn: i talked to niall and liam and they are going to apologise to you i feel like i am farthering these boys sometimes

Emily: they have both text me and told me they was sorry but i still have to choose one

Zayn: i know i will help you threw this though

Emily: thanks for being there for me zayn

Zayn: its ok talk to you 2moro

Emily: talk to you 2moro bye

Zayn: bye 

i am going to help emily anytime she needs me 


i got my phone out and text emily....

Niall: hey emily i am so sorry about what has happened

Emily: its fine i know you and liam like me its choosing that is the hard thing

Niall: don't rush into anything no one will be mad at your decition

Emily: i won't good night niall

Niall: goodnight

i hope emily won't rush anything


i decided to text emily

Liam: hey i am sorry about what has happened

Emily: its fine its just choosing that will be hard

Liam: take your time and think about it no one will be mad at your deiction

Emily: ok goodnigh

Liam: goodnight

i won't be mad at whatever she chooses


well the hard thing is going to be choosing one of them but i am glad that i will have help

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