Nialls Question

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after what has happened this morning zayn waking us up, us piling up on emily and her threatening to straighten harry's hair which was funny but i have a serious question to ask her i just need zayn to come out of that bedroom i have to ask her when she's alone i look towards liam and he is on his phone suddenly zayn walks out of emilys bedroom and i get off the sofa and i walk to emilys room i knock on the door and she said "come in" i walked in and she was watching tv she turned it off "whats up niall?" she asked "well i have a question for you?"i said "and what would that be?" she said smiling "well we are going to be doing a concert in london well i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me in london?" i asked "of course i will i would love to" she said smiling "great" i said "when will the date be?" she asked "tonight when we get into london this afternoon we will have the date later on this evening" i said "ok" she said smiling i kissed her cheek "see you later" i said walking out of her room i can't stop smiling i have to tweet

@NiallHoran: One of the happiest days of my life

miniutes later i got a twitter notiforcation and i checked my phone and some one had replied to my tweet

@EmilyWalker: @NiallHoran i am glad your happy nice to see you smiling you have a great smile :)

i replied to emily

@NiallHoran: @EmilyWalker thanks :)

i was looking threw twitter and i saw liam had tweeted 

@LiamPayne: i will have my turn with her ;)

i can tell that liam wants to go on a date with emily but i have asked her first i can't wait for later


i am shocked niall has asked me out i can't wait i don't know what to wear though i need help i walked out to see all the boys in the sitting area and i went and sat down on the sofa "does anyone want to play a game on the wii?" liam asked "i will" louis said so louis and liam played on the wii and i went on my laptop and i watched a few parodies of one direction and i laughed at a few "what are you laughing at?" niall and zayn asked "oh nothing it doesn't matter" i said with a smile on my face "tell us" niall said pouting "no i don't want to" i said "fine then" zayn said getting up he started to tickle me while niall grabbed my laptop zayn stopped and sat next to niall and watch the one direction parodies that i was watching they started laughing they was in my favourties on youtube and saw there was a cover version of kiss you by Joey Graceffa and Luke Conard they pressed play and i loved this song sung by joey and luke it was so good and i started to sing along zayn and niall smiled they obviously liked it when it was done they gave me my laptop back and i went to my room. it is the run up to christmas and it has been getting colder.

zayn come into my room "whats up emily?" he asked "i don't know what to wear" i said looking threw my clothes "do you want any help?" he asked "yes please" i said "so what are you getting dressed up for?" zayn asked "niall asked me out on a date and i don't know what to wear" i said "ok well i have the perfect outfit idea you go and get a shower" zayn said "ok" i said i went and got a shower and when i come out i dryed my hair with my hair dryer and then i curled my hair zayn had put out an outfit for me it was a purple t-shirt with dark blue jeans with a cream beanie with my black ugg boots (fake) with my white jacket with 2 dangling pom poms with a cream scarf and white gloves it was perfect "thank you so much zayn" i said hugging him "it's ok don't forget your beanie" zayn said putting it on my head "thanks see you later" i said "ok see you after the date" zayn said "ok" i walked out of my room and down the bus when i got to the sitting area all the boys's mouths dropped "wow you look gorgous" liam said "thanks" i said "you look beautiful" niall said "thanks are we ready to go?" i asked "yeah lets go see you boys later" i said "see you later bye" i said i can't believe this is happening.....

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