Spending The Night At Emily's

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me and emily was sat watching a film and i had my arm around her *CLICK* we was watching the inbetweeners movie because emily loves that film i had two girls one either side of me emily on one side and emily's dog on the other molly would not leave me alone but i thought it was cute emily moved from the sofa and went upstairs and she come back down in a top that had a dog on hugging a pillow and some pajama bottoms on with some dogs on she came and sat next to me and cuddled up to me we stayed there until the end of the film and then she showed me to the spear bedroom and told me i could sleep there and then we said good night and i kissed her on her cheek and she walked to her bedroom this thing between me her and liam was tearing her apart 


i walked into my room and i got under my covers and checked my phone and i had 2 messages 

Zayn: is niall round there with you and do you wanna go out for lunch 2moro and talk about it because i bet you could use a friend instead of those to nitwits for once 

Liam: goodnight gorgous i am sorry if that magazine upset you i didn't know that was going to happen talk to you 2moro night

i replyed to both of them

To Zayn: yeah i really could do with talking about it and can you pick me up at 11:30 please goodnight

To Liam: i don't want you and niall to fight because you 2 are in a band together and you have to spend long periods of time together so i don't want you 2 hating each other goodnight

i got a text back from zayn.....

Zayn: see you 2moro and i won't tell the boys about anything we say goodnight

i didn't reply to him because i was so tired but i can't wait for tomorrow i really need to talk about it with someone 

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