Waking Up

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I can finally open my eyes and see everyone and actually speak to them I wake up so slowly and see niall and harry "niall....." I croaked "oh my god" he said "HARRY WAKE UP" he shouted "what niall..." harry moaned "she is waking up" niall said harry jumps up and pulls his phone out of his back pocket and makes a phone call "COME QUICK SHE IS WAKING UP" he shouts down the phone. minutes later Reanne and the boys come running in "EMILY... EMILY OH MY GOD" they shout "hey guys" I say weakly "how are you?" liam asks as he comes and kisses my forehead "i am fine just weak" I said "do you want some carrot emily?" Louis asks eating a carrot "no thank you Louis" I said "emily we have missed you so much" niall said leaning now and kissing me gently on the lips as if I was going to break if he kissed me any harder. the nurse walked in and niall went to talk to her. he comes walking back and sits back down next to me "emily can we find out the gender of the baby?" he asked "ok niall" I said


the nurse has put the gel on my stomach and turned the machine on and put the end on my stomach that finds the baby she starts to move it around "there is the baby" she said pointing to the monitor where there was a outline of a baby "would you like to know the gender?" the nurse asked "yes please" niall said "ok the baby is a........girl" she said "wow" niall said "do you have a name yet?" she asked "well I have an idea but it might be stupid saying it now" niall said whilst blushing "mr horan we have lots of fathers who say there ideas about the baby's name so if you want to say it you can" the nurse said "ok so I was thinking Amy Louise Horan" niall said "i love it" I said "it is a really nice mr horan" the nurse said she cleaned the gel off my stomach and gave niall the scan photo and the nurse walked out. "i can't wait to have this little baby" niall said "well your not the one doing the hard work" I said "try but it will be worth it in the end" niall said kissing me. reanne and the boys walked in. "please keep the PDA to a minimum" Louis said niall pulled away and we both laughed. then harry started to kiss reanne "did you two not hear what I just said" Louis said they carried on "you two are discusting" Louis said harry pulled away from reanne and the both laughed. there was a knock at the door zayn opened the door to reveal perrie he pulled her inside and then he kissed her "OH MY GOD WHAT IS WITH YOU LOT AND KISSING" Louis shouted waving his hands in the air "chill out Louis one day you will find a girl to love as much as niall loves me or harry loves reanne or zayn loves perrie" I said "could you give me a date when that will happen?" Louis asked "i don't know sorry" I said smiling but I have a feeling it might happen soon......


I think I have found that person they are right under my nose I don't want to give anything away incase I jinx it I really like this person but I don't even know how they will take it and how people around me will feel about it but I have to get my feelings straight because if I don't then I won't be able to tell them I just want to know how they feel about me.....


I have feeling for this one person but I can't tell you who it is someone very close to me and very special to me they might find out soon but I am confused about my feelings for the minute but I have to know how they feel to it is going to be hard for me while they don't know how I feel towards them so I have to come up with a way to tell them, this will be fun........ 

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