After Everything

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I wake up to see niall asleep next to me he looks so cute I walk out and I see zayn and Louis asleep in there beds and Liam was still tied up I walk down the hall to see Harry and reanne still asleep I knew that no one would miss me if I died so I went to the bathroom I never thought I would think about doing this again I got my razors out and i put it in front of me then I turned around to see reanne at the door "EMILY PLEASE DONT WE CAN WORK THIS OUT PLEASE DONT "she shouts "WHAT HAVE I GOT TO LOSE?" I ask "NIALLLLLLL!!!!!" she shouts "EMILY YOU HAVE FRIENDS THAT LOVE YOU AND WE ALL LOVE YOU" reanne shouts "HOW ABOUT YOU ASK THE BOY THAT RECKED MY LIFE WHO AM I KIDDING NO ONE WOULD MISS ME THEY WILL JUST THINK ITS JUST ANOTHER SLUT THAT DIED WHO CARES" I shout niall comes to the door "EMILY THINK ABOUT WHAT YOUR THROWING AWAY YOU HAVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE AHEAD OF YOU SO YOU HIT A BUMP IN THE ROAD IT DOESNT MATTER YOU WILL GET AROUND IT WITH HELP FROM PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU" niall shouts "niall know that I will miss you and I always cared about you I just wish we had more time and make sure Louis keeps getting carrots and zayn always has enough hair gel to last him" I say crying "NO EMILY DONT" niall screams all these thoughts go threw my head "your a slut your ugly you shouldn't even know one direction niall you could have so much better Liam don't even go for her she is a waste if space" and all these comments are right I am a waste of space I am ugly I am a slut and I not good enough for anyone I am fat I am discussing I am nothing i am worthless and I am just nothing and no one would care if I died I took the blade to my skin and I stopped for a minute and thought "I am just letting them win because of this"

I put the blade down and I put it away and sat down on the toilet ( lid down) niall was talking "what the hell is she doing?" he asked "I don't know niall" reanne said I walked up to the door and unlocked it and suddenly I was grabbed I was pulled into my bedroom and the door was shut "Emily don't ever do that to me again" niall said "I can't promise anything" I said "Emily remember what I said" niall said holding the heart necklace he brought me "this heart represents my heart if you want it have it but if you want bad boy Liam's heart you take it but my heart always lays with you" niall said me and niall leaned in and he kissed me and we shared one long passionate kiss i pulled away "you can have my heart any day" I said "so will you be mine?" niall asked "yes I will be" I said "so will you be my girlfriend?" he asked "of course I will" I said "we better go out there" niall said "are those two kissing?" I shout to zayn. zayn nods his head "I thought something was going on between them" niall shouts "so are you two together?" zayn asks "yeah I really wanted Emily in my life" niall said he turned round and Liam glared at him and niall smirked at him


Reanne and Harry where kissing again so I took a photon harry's phone and posted it on twitter and tagged Harry in it suddenly there was loads if fans tweeting

@harryfanforever: that is so cute

"ZAYN MALIK COME HERE NOW!" Harry shouts I guess he has seen the photo " why did you post this?" he asked "I thought it was cute" i said "I think it is cute two" reanne said "ok i am not mad any more if reanne is ok with it" Harry said "ok then" I said as I walked away what he doesn't know is that I put it as his profile pic on Facebook oh well he will like it.


I walk up to Liam and grab him by his shirt "do you know what Emily tried to do this morning" I said "no" Liam said "she tryed to slit her wrists because if everything that has happened" I said "why would she do that?" Liam asked "because she thinks her life will only get worse do you know why?" I asked "no" Liam said "because of you she no thinks he life is not worth living" I said "i'm so sorry" Liam said "don't say sorry to me say sorry to the girl who's life you have destroyed" I said "I feel really bad" Liam said "well I am not mad at you I am disappointed in you that you could do this" I said I walked away and went and sat with Emily


What have I done?.......

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