A Shock

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i woke up to the sound of my phone ringing i answered it....

Emily: Hello

Zayn: Hey emily how are you?

Emily: Fine apart from being woke up by a nitwit

Zayn: Awwww thanks anyway do you wanna go for some lunch with me and the boys after we go for a meeting with are mangement

Emily: yeah sure what time

Zayn: i don't know i will ring you when we are out

Emily: ok

Zayn: ok see you later bye

Emily: bye

i put the phone down and i got up i took a shower and i got out and i dried my hair and i decided to straighten my hair and i put my strappy top on with a jumper over it with my jeans and my combat boots i decided to put my snapback on i walked down stairs and my phone started to ring

Zayn: hey em me and the boys are heading down to starbucks meet us there

Emily: really..... ok fine

Zayn: ok see you there

Emily: ok bye

i put the phone down. i have one reason why i complained when zayn said they was going to starbucks i don't like starbucks i don't like coffee but oh well if the boys want to go to starbucks they can but i always meet them there anyway i go out to my car and i drive me starbucks i walk in to see the boys staring at me


wow..... she looks amazing. emily walks up to us and sits down "hey guys whats up" she asks "nothing really but we have some news" niall said "what is it ?" emily asked "we are going on tour..." zayn said "awwww well i am going to miss you" she said "you won't have to miss us" louis said "why" emily said in a confused way "because we want you to come with us" harry said "really why me?" she asked "well your the reason are management called a meeting" i said "tell me about it" emily said


me and the boys walked into the mangements office "hey boys how are you?" they asked "we are good thanks" we all said "we need to talk to you about something" they said we all looked at each other i know what we was all thinking (what has harry done wrong now) "we need to talk to you about a girl" they said "who?" zayn asked "you should know her well she is like a best friend to you" they said "oh do you mean emily?" zayn asked "yeah" they said "why do you need to talk to us about emily?" niall asked "because she has been getting very close to the band and we want her to go on tour with you because she must be like a best friend zayn can't live without and i'm sure the rest of you have got a connection with her in some way and you can't live without her either" they said winking at me and niall and of course we knew what they was talking about straight away "so what do you say do you want her on tour with you?" they asked "of course we do" we all said in unison "well we have some ground rules though but we can set them nearer the time" they said "ok thank you" zayn said "have a nice day boys" they said "we will thanks" we all said we walked out the managements office and we walked to starbucks


"and thats what happened" i said "omg i can't believe it" emily said "well believe it because you will have to share a bus with 5 screaming boys" louis said "no she won't we don't scream that is just you mate" zayn said to louis "well i can't wait" emily said. Niether can i, i get to share a bus with the girl i like but so does niall and zayn and emily are best friends so i think everything will be good but emily will have to choose soon if she wants me or niall.


"when do we leave?" i asked "3 days" harry said "ok" i said i was sitting with zayn one side of me and niall the other side of me and suddenly niall took my snapback off my head and put it the other way around with the flap bit at the back "what the hell niall" i said niall started laughing i ruffled nialls hair and he glared at me i put my snapback back right i looked at my phone and it was 1:00pm and i forgot i was meeting my friends "i have got to go sorry" i said i got up i hugged all the boys but i squezeed zayn because obviously he is my best friend and i went up to liam and niall and i kissed both of them on the cheek and i walked out i got in my car and drove home so i was in my house in time for my mates coming round for a movie night because we all love movies so i got popcorn and sweets ready in time for them coming. there was a knock at the door


i opened the door to see my mates robyn, reanne and kirsty "hey guys come in" i said they all walked in they sat on the sofas "so what do you want to watch?" reanne asked "well i just got the celebrity juice dvd i also have the inbetweeners movie and loads more" i said robyn reanne and kirsty got up and looked at my dvd's and decided on one they put in and they was watching it but i wasn't really watching it because i kept getting texts from zayn

Zayn: hey emily what are you doing?

Emily: with my friends watching a film well trying to

Zayn: can i come over?

Emily: well not really because they was and still are massive directioners

Zayn: ok i better not then

Emily: and its girls only!!!!!! text you after the film

Zayn: ok

i put my phone down and i looked up and reanne was stearing at me "who the hell have you been texting?" reanne asked "no one" i said "it was obviously someone because all you phone has been doing was beeping who is it?" reanne asked "when did you turn into my carer?" i asked "i don't know" reanne said laughing "its just my mate" i said "ok" reanne said we kept watching the film and when it was done my friends went home they are such hard work

i got my phone out and text zayn....

Emily: hey zayn movies finished my friends have just gone home and i am going to bed so night :)

Zayn: night emily you better start packing 2moro :)

Emily: i will i promise night

Zayn: night emily :)

i put my phone down on the side and i went to sleep after a long day

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