Popping The Question

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so me and reanne are sat on the sofa I am feeling really nervous the time is coming where I have to ask the question....


harry has been acting really weird latley I know something is the matter I might ask him now. "what's up with you?" I asked "nothing i'm fine" harry says "are you sure?" I ask "yeah I am fine don't worry about it" he says kissing my forehead



the time has come where I have to ask the question the Titanic has ended and we are just sitting there I have to ask her I am really worried I tell her I am going to the kitchen to get a drink but really I am going to get the ring. I pop my head around the door and see her still sitting down on the sofa I walk in and I get down on one knee "what the heck are you doing?" reanne asks "well I am asking the girl I love if she will marry me" I said "so you asking me to marry you" reanne said "yes I am" I said "reanne louise ward will you do the honour of becoming my wife?" I asked "of course I will harry" reanne said I got off the floor and I sat next to her on the sofa and I put the ring on her finger and  hugged her and I kissed her and some how the kiss started to get deeper and deeper. this is just magical but we are not telling Emily and niall till after there big day because it doesn't seem fair......

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