Day Before

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I woke up and I got a quick shower I know today was going to be a long day because I have to pack to go on tour with one direction I can't wait but i don't know what to pack I really need help off someone I have an idea..


After 3 rings someone picks up

?: hello

Emily: you have got to come and help me pack

?: ok I will be right over

Emily: ok

So I put the phone down and wait for them to come round


I run to the door and open it to see zayn "I really need your help with packing" I said "ok let's go and have a look at what I have got" zayn said me and zayn go up to my room. zayn looks threw my clothes and picks out what I should take with me and leaves what I shouldn't but I sneak in anything I like that he has said no to "right we need to go out" zayn said "where?" I asked "clothes shopping" zayn said "but your a boy and I don't like clothes shopping" i said zayn picks up my phone and throws it at me "you have your friends phone numbers in there ring a few of them to come and help" zayn said "ok I will it is not my fault most of my friends are directioners" I said

I ring Robyn and Kirsty and they told me that they would meet me and zayn at the shopping centre and they promised that they would freak out so zayn asked a member of there security to come and follow us because well.... zayn is famous but he has his disguise on him so he won't be spotted so the security drives us to the shopping centre and I see Kirsty and Robyn and we go round shopping into all different shops and we buy loads of clothes for me and then we go and get some food I only get a sandwich because I am not really hungry and so does zayn so we finish are sandwiches and I say good bye to Robyn and Kirsty and me and zayn get driven home by security


Me and Emily have been and the shopping centre most of the day and Emily got some really nice clothes and we have to finish packing then we are done really for tomorrow so we get back to Emily's and I help her finish packing and we finally sit down and watch and bit tv "so has anything happened between you niall and Liam?" I asked "no nothing but I can see something will happen while we are on tour" Emily said looking down "well as soon as anything happens I will be here for you" I said "awww thanks zayn" Emily said "well I better be going because the boys will be wondering where I am see you tomorrow" I said "see you tomorrow bye" she said "bye" I said as I walked out the door closing it behind me


"Where have you been?" Niall asked "with Emily helping her pack" I said "what did she pack?" Liam asked smiling "clothes and the things she needs why?" I asked "just wondering" Liam said smiling I went to bed early that night so I could get up early the next day.

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