Exam Results And Suprises

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So today me and reanne are going to get are GCSE results I am really scared about what I will get I want at least 1 A and so does reanne. me and reanne are heading down there now and Harry and Niall are coming with us two the other boys are going to meet us at Nando's ready for afterwards. me and reanne get in the Line and we tell them are names and they give us two envelopes reanne opens hers first

English: B

Maths: A

Science: B

Art: A*


Then I open my envelope...

English: A

Maths: C

Science: A

Spanish: B


I jump for joy "omg I got my A in science" I said I hugged reanne and Harry then I hugged niall "I knew you would get it" reanne said "I can't believe I got a A* in art" reanne said I fake fainted and niall caught me he kissed me and I got up "I can't believe it either but you are really good at art" I said "yeah we should go for lunch" reanne said "NANDO'S" niall shouted "yes we can go to nando's" I said niall pulled me back to the car and we got in the front and niall drove to nando's with reanne and Harry in the back and we got to nando's and we saw the boys sitting at a table already we went and sat with them "so how did you do?" zayn asked I handed him my paper and he past it to Louis who past it to Liam who past it back "well done I knew you would do well" zayn said getting up and hugging me they all had a look at reannes paper and said well done to her two and we ordered are food and niall ordered a lot it was so funny to see how much he ordered but that's what I love about niall he can eat and eat and eat and never put on weight

So we are sitting down and I finished my food and so has niall and every one else has finished there food two suddenly niall gets down on one knee "what the hell are you doing?" I asked "asking my wonderful girlfriend if she will marry me" niall said did I just hear him right? "Emily-Jane Walker will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?" niall asked "I don't know what to say?" I said "we don't keep me down here forever girl" niall said "of course I will become your wife" I said niall got up and picked me and spun me around and kissed me I looked to Liam who looked sad but Liam let me down and he need to earn my trust back I went and sat next to reanne "OMG Emily your engaged" reanne said "I know I will have a lot to plan" I said "I am so helping you well me and niall will do it for you your not doing one thing I will decide the dress and everything" reanne said "ok then we have time off for Christmas so we will start planning then" I said "ok" reanne said

I wonder what it will be like to be mrs niall horan.....

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