The Holiday Shock Part 2

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my plane has just landed in Ireland and I am waiting for my lovely fiancée to come and get me. I have had a really good week with zayn we went out and went shopping and he even got a outfit ready for today when I see niall I don't know what I am going to do without zayn when me and niall go on honeymoon I think I might be stuffed. I have skyped reanne and she said she is fine and harry is fine I have texted Louis he said he saw liam a few times over the last week. anyway I am walking threw the airport and I am waiting where niall told me to wait but there is no niall around. I keep looking around when I see a blonde haired boy with a green snapback on walking towards me I knew it was niall I went running towards him and he lifted me up and spun me around he kissed me and my pink dallas snapback and his green snapback got caught together and my fell backwards and he caught it and put it back on my head. we pulled away and he hugged me "I missed you soooo much" he said "I missed you two" I said "how was you week with zayn?" he asked "fine thanks I had a great time I missed you though" I said "well we better go mum is expecting to see you soon" niall said taking me hand we continued to walk until we got to the doors "keep your head down Emily" niall said "ok I will I have been doing for a while when me and zayn went out I got the same lecture from him" I said I pulled out my sunglasses I know it isn't sunny but because no one knows me and niall are together and are planning to get married in a few weeks we still have to keep are heads down we both had are sun glasses and snapbacks on so not many people knew it was us we got to nialls car and he put my suitcases in the boots and we got in and niall drove to his mums house and we got there and he opened the door and suddenly I was pulled into a massive hug "so your the girl that my little niall is marrying?" she asked she must be his mum "yeah I am" I said she let go of me "your very pretty" she said "thank you, you must be mrs horan" I said "yeah I am but you can call me Maura" she said "ok Maura" I said she smiled "come with me...." niall said pulling me up the stairs "it was nice to meet you Maura" I shout "you to" she shouts back niall pulls me into his room and sits down on his bed "what are we up here for?" I asked "well I wanted to get you out of a awkard talk with my mum or seeing my baby pictures" niall said I went and sat on the bed next to him "so you don't want me to see your baby pictures" I asked with a smirk on my face "no I do not" niall said "MAURA MAURA" I shout niall puts his hand over my mouth she comes running in "please don't tell me he told you about his baby photos and told you he didn't want to see them now you want to see them and he won't let you" she said I nodded "niall you get your self into this every time I promise I wont show them" Maura said she walked up and niall moved his hand away from my mouth he sighs "whats up?" I ask "just missed you and a bit stressed" he said " about what?" I ask "the wedding" niall said "well I could help you" I said "no Emily we have everything planned already I am just hoping everything goes ok" niall said "ok! I said pecking him on the lips and I was about to pull away when niall deeped the kiss and kept doing it he pulled me onto his lap not breaking the kiss once I broke the kiss and got off his lap and walked towards my suitcase I turned around to see him pouting "well I have to unpack sometime" I said ...


me and harry have been spending so much time together when I have not been skyping niall and Emily (at seprate times obviously) soon I have to go and try and find Emily a wedding dress with some help of some old friends and I am going to help Emily pack by buying her some clothes that I think niall will like and the boys and are old friends will help me. I feel so lucky to have harry I can't believe we got together while we was sorting out Emily's problem and I still can't believe Emily and zayn bet on it oh well they ment well..... I think anyway. me and harry are having a movie night tonight and harry has put the titanic on me and Emily tryed to watch this not long ago but we couldn't we started to cry for Emily it was 2 reasons but for me it was just the bit where jack goes under the water and seeing the little kids dieing but if that happends today I know I have harry's shoulder to cry on it is going to be so good....


I have been spending some time with liam and we have become some what closer we have been chatting a lot and liam has plans and let me tell you they are not good ones and need to be stopped but I can't do it on my own do it looks like I am going to have to ring reanne and harry but not today I don't want to ruin there day. me and liam are in starbucks and we are sitting at a booth and talking "so liam what are you planning to do?" I asked "haven't I told you once" liam hissed "yes but I need to make sure I know" I said "you better not tell Emily or niall" liam said "I won't I promise" I said he explained it again and I was recording it under the table to send to reanne and harry I just hope he backs out at the last minute because it will do no good if he goes threw with his plan if he does it might ruin a few peoples day.


I don't know how to put it I know I haven't known her long I just feel like I can trust her so much I love her so much I am going to ask her if she will marry me I don't want to push Emily and niall out of the spot light but I really have to ask her and I thought after are movie night I will pop the question. I love the Titanc film and I think she does to but I hope I don't start crying I don't want to look weak in front of the one I love. hopefully I am not the only one who doesn't want to cry I don't think reanne wants to either.

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