I Had To Tell You

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zayn has just put emily in her room and he took her phone off her and he put it in her room he come out fumming "YOU DO KNOW EMILY COULD BE SERIOUSLY HURT?" zayn shouts "calm down zayn emily was on her phone when we come off stage thats a good sign and she could remember who we was" i said "you know she might hate you two for hurting her?" zayn said "she didn't seem to hate us when we saw her when we come off stage" liam said "it was nialls fault he started the fight" liam said "and i might start another one if you don't shut up" i said "ENOUGH YOU TWO I AM SICK TO DEAD OF THIS AND I THINK THE OTHER BOYS ARE SICK OF IT TWO AND I AM KNOW EMILY IS WORRIED ABOUT IT SO JUST CHILL OUT FOR FIVE MINIUTES" zayn shouts "sorry zayn" me and liam say in unison "what happened to you being daddy directioner i feel like i am taking your place" zayn said poking liam's chest "i am still daddy directioner it's just i am stepping out of that role for a bit" liam said "ok well i am going to bed and if i hear one word of you two arguing i will bang your heads together so hard you will not believe" zayn said "ok we won't argue" we both said in unison again zayn went and got into bed and so did liam.

i sat down and went on twitter and i was looking and i saw some fans had tweeted me 

@OneDirectionFan123: @NiallHoran is it true that you and @LiamPayne hurt @EmilyWalker when you two was fighting?

so i decided to reply to some of them....

@NiallHoran: yeah.... it sort of is true we really didn't mean to hurt her she is so special to us and we feel really bad

i think i should contact one of emily's friends but i can't get to her phone so there is only one other option left..... Skype. i looked around the sitting area and i saw emily's laptop and i opened it up and turned it one hoping that emily didn't have a password on it it started up and there was no password on it. she should really put a password on it because louis or harry could get on it and look at god knows what. i looked for skype on her computer and i found the icon and i clicked on it and skype automaticly signed in god she really needs to hide it from louis and harry because they could call anyone on her contacts. i looked down her contacts and found her mate reanne she has talked to her before so i pressed on the contact and video call

after four rings she picked up


Reanne: hey emily what are you doing up so late? she said looking away from the screen

Niall: its not emily

she looks up

Reanne: what are you doing ringing me at this time of night?

Niall: emily got hurt when me and liam where fighting

Reanne: what the hell did you to do to her?

Niall: well we tripped her up and she was wearing heels and he banged her head and she was unconcouis and zayn was doing his best and she had woke up when we come off stage she was on twitter on her phone but zayn took it off her because she was burning up and the light was killing her she said 

Reanne: well if she isn't ok i will personally come down there and kill you and liam

Niall: she will probley be fine and you can kill liam

Reanne: and you

Niall: you know i am trying to win emily round if you kill liam i will have more of a chance with her i said laughing

Reanne: yeah about that she is really confushed and worried about it 

Niall: i know zayn has said over and over again

Reanne: anyway i have got to go get her to ring me tomorrow ok?

Niall: yeah ok i will 

Reanne: thanks for telling me bye

Niall: i had to tell you bye

i ended the call and i closed emilys computer down and i put it on the side and i went to bed because i was tired and i knew that emily would come and wake me up because no one likes to get zayn up in the morning or anytime really i closed my eyes and i was asleep straight away.

Something One Directon Didn't Expect (A One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now