Talking About How We Feel

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It has been a few days and emily was let out of the hospital last night so we are back on the tour bus and back on the move I am the first one awake and suddenly I hear the sound of someone throwing up emily must be awake I run to the bathroom and I walk in knowing that the door is unlocked and I hold her hair back "I see someone is up early" I say "yeah" emily says I help her up and she cleans herself up and then the bathroom and walks into the sitting room and sits down and turns tv on "emily can I talk to you about something" I asked hoping she would say yes "of course you can come on" she said patting the seat next to her I go and sit down next to her "i need to talk to you about my feelings" I said "liam we have been over this I love niall and I am married" she said "not about you I mean my feeling towards someone else" I said "would you mind telling me who this someone is" she asked "Louis" I whispered "aww you and him would make a great couple" she said smiling "i know right" I said "liam ummm your gay is showing a bit" emily said "sorry and I don't think he will like me" I said looking down "liam you don't know until you try" emily said "thanks emily" I said hugging her "its ok if you ever need to talk I am always here for you" emily said smiling "thank you" I said before kissing the top of her head she is like a little sister / best friend to me I just need to know if Louis likes me back but I will have to see.....



me and reanne are sitting in the sitting area talking while the boys are mucking about and emily is shouting at them "reanne can I have a word with you please" I asked "yes of course you can" she said "right so I have this thing for someone" I said "would you mind me knowing who this someone is?" reanne said "it's liam" I whispered "you would make a great couple" reanne said "yeah I know well I don't think he will like me back but I really want him to" I said "Louis you have to give things a try you can't just think he won't like you and give up" reanne said "thanks reanne" I said hugging her "its ok I am always here for you" reanne said reanne is amazing and always here for me I just need to know how liam feels about me....


I walked up to reanne "reanne has Louis said anything to you" I asked "yeah he has he said he likes liam has liam said anything to you" reanne asked "yeah he has he said he likes Louis" I said "you know what we need to do don't you" reanne said "oh reanne I don't want to mess with them" I said "but emily it will make them both happy" reanne said "fine but if it goes wrong you are to blame" I said "fine blame me whatever we need to get them together" reanne said "ok" I said "right operation get Louis and liam together will start soon" reanne said so it looks like we are going to get liam and Louis together this might be hard......

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