Two Boys One Day

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I woke up and got ready for today Liam was picking me up at 9:00am so I had to get ready I curled my hair and put some make up on and get my jeans on my chic t-shirt and my red all star converse I put my hoodie on to I put my SnapBack on to. I walked down stairs and waited for Liam there was a knock at the door


I opened to door to see Liam he looked good me and Liam walked down the street and he grabbed my hand so we walked hand in hand *CLICK* me and Liam went to the park and went for a walk "emily" Liam said "yeah Liam" I said "I really do like you, you know" Liam said "I know you do but I think someone else does to" I said "who?" Liam asked "I can't tell you" I said "oh ok well we better get you home because it is 11:30" Liam said so we walked back and we got to my door and Liam leaned down and kissed me *CLICK* I said bye to Liam and walked into my house not long after there was a Knock at the door

I opened the door to see Niall we walked out the door and Niall grabbed my hand *CLICK* ok so  two boys in one day has done this we walked to the restaurant and we sat down and we ordered I got a cheese sandwich and Niall got a burger we ate in silence when I finished i said "so what did you want to talk about" "well I really like you Emily your amazing and beautiful and I want you to be in my arms" Niall said " the problem is someone else likes me to" I said "who?" Niall asked "I can't tell you" I said "oh ok just know I will always be there for you no matter what and i will always like you" Niall said "same to you" I said

Me and Niall walked home and we got to my door and Niall kissed me *CLICK* I said bye to Niall and I went to my room and my phone began to ring

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Emily: hello

Zayn: hey it's zayn how did it go with Liam and Niall

Emily: not good they both told me they liked me and they both kissed me

Zayn: they don't make things easy do they

Emily: nope they don't and I don't know what to do

Zayn: well I got to go I will talk to you later about it bye


I put the phone down and put it down on charge I had a lot of time to think


God emily is really stuck because of niall and Liam I will have to talk to them about it I walk over to Niall who was watching tv "hey I need to talk to you in private" I said "ok I am coming" he said we walked into the back bedroom and talked "you like Emily don't you?" I asked "yes I do why?" he said "because it is eating away at her" I said "I don't even know who this other guy is" he said "well it's someone you know well" I said "omg really" Niall said "yes it is some one very close to you and might I add it isn't me" I said "is it Liam?" He asked i nodded my head Niall clenched his jaw which indicated he was angry he walked out of the room and went over to Liam and talked to him they seemed to be ok they wasn't arguing I don't think they was anyway so i think every thing must be good


I woke up to hear someone shouting I got out of my bed and walked out of my room to see who it was Niall was shouting at Liam "why did you do that?" he shouted "I can do what I want as if she would choose you" Liam said "she would she wouldn't choose you" Niall said "stop it what is this all about?" I said "look at this zayn" Niall said he handed me a magazine it had a picture of Niall and Emily holding hand and the another one of them kissing and then one if Emily and Liam holding hands and one of them kissing the headline was "brown haired beauty with both Liam and Niall but who does she belong with" I read the whole article on it Niall was still shouting at Liam and Liam was shouting at Niall by this time the whole house was up Louis and Harry was standing there looking mad that they had been woke up "boys calm down please" I said the boys stopped Niall walked towards the door and walked out I don't know where he was going


I walked out to go and see Emily I need to see her I have to tell her how I really feel about her I walked up to her door and knock she opened the door and her eyes where puffy and red it looked like she had been crying for a while "what's the matter?" I asked "I can't have you and Liam falling out it wouldn't be right because your in a band together and I really do like you and liam but Liam likes me and so did you and I don't know what to do the only one I have told how I feel is zayn and I really don't know what to do" she said breaking down I didn't see the Emily I knew I saw a vunrable girl who was breaking in front if me but I was not going to let her I embraced her into a hug and we walked into her house I sat on the sofa and Emily came and sat down with me she put her head on my shoulder and I kissed her head she felt so warm against me I wanted to stay like this forever but I knew she was either going to choose me or Liam


I just wanted to hold Emily I knew she was going to choose either me or Niall and I was hoping it was me but I can't force her into anything but she has only told zayn about her feelings and he won't tell me has been sworn to secerey and this was making me really mad I need to know how Emily feels because I do care about her but I am worried about her Niall has stormed out he has probley gone to her to comfort her I wouldn't blame him she is beautiful she is so special to me and Niall I will have to go and see her tomorrow

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