Part 5

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As expected, there was a mountain of press interest in the newlyweds! The wedding had taken the world by surprise and there was some speculation as to the suddeness of the event. Paul and Jane stood at the gates of Cavendish Ave and posed for photos and answered questions. At Jane's request, the baby wasn't mentioned even though being almost four months pregnant meant it wouldn't be long before people would notice! Instead the sudden marriage was explained by a unexpected and very welcomed break in both busy schedules.

Jane didn't expect life to be very different after their marriage, after all she'd be living with Paul for nearly two years so the change in him was something of a very pleasant surprise. He was loving and attentive. Plans were made for a total redecoration of the house, something Paul had wanted to do for but never had time to do it. He gave Jane free run to change the tatty wallpaper and grimy carpets in every room whilst the couple spent two weeks in Scotland when the work was done!

Returning home was like moving into a new house. The housekeeper greeted the couple enthusiastically, having been left to ensure the workmen did a perfect job! Paul and Jane were delighted with the finish and once new furniture was in place, it made a very cosy and relaxing home.

Paul returned to the studio in the September and, to her surprise, did his best to avoid very late nights as was previously usual, so that they still had time as a couple. her pregnancy was now showing. Paul loved to see the growing bump and stood proudly when they finally gave in to pressure and conjecture and announced to the press that Jane was indeed six months pregnant.

As Christmas approached, to the outside world the new Mrs McCartney had a perfect life - famous handsome husband,beautiful home and a baby due soon. She should have been happy...but she wasn't. In her mind was a worry... and a fear. 

The usual 'Beatle Family' party was planned to be held at the Lennon's home on the 23rd December. Paul was madly excited but could see Jane's lack of enthusiasm.

"What's wrong my love?" He asked her softly, taking her into his arms and kissing her, "You seem really out of sorts!"

She forced a smile. "I'm OK." She told him, "Just in a funny mood. This time next year life will be so different won't it?"

He kissed her again and stroked her swollen stomach. "It will be even more anazing than it is now." he whispered, "Because we'll have our little baby to share it with!" He grinned. "I can't wait to meet him or her Jane!"

The party was  in full swing. Drink flowed and all to soon people were silly drunk and declaring how much they loved each other. Jane slipped from the room and sat in the quiet darkness of the kitchen. She felt weary but anxious. Thoughts whirled around her mind and she began to cry.

Cynthia had seen Jane slip away. Noticing her friend had been quieter than usual, she waited for a time for her to return. Concerned, Cyn went to find her, assuming she'd headed to the bathroom. She was shocked to find her sat in the dark, head in hands, sobbing.

"Jane?" Cynthia put her hand on her shoulder, "Jane, what's wrong? What's happened?"

Jane continued to cry. 

Cynthia sat down next to her and put her arms around her friend. She waited for the crying to subside.

"Do you want to talk?" Cyn whispered gently, "I might be able to help?"

Jane lifted her head and shook her head. "You won't be able to sort this Cyn!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's Paul."

"Paul?" Cynthia took Jane's hand, "What's he done now?"

"Well after just three and a half months of marriage, I think Paul is sleeping with other women!" Jane looked at her shocked friend. "I told you you couldn't fix it!"

"How do you know? For God sake does that man ever grow up!" Cynthia was appalled. 

"I don't know for sure," said Jane quietly, "but I can assume with good faith that it's happening."


"Since I've been pregnant, at first anyway, Paul and I, we still ....we were still intimate!" She blushed. "Then as I got bigger he's been...well it's like he doesn't find me sexy anymore."

"That doesn't mean he's sleeping with other woman Jane."

Jane laughed bitterly. "Cyn, Paul and I used to have sex everyday....sometimes more than once. You've know him even longer than me, you know how high a sex drive he has! He has to be getting it else where because how else can you explain why he hasn't touched me in a sexual way for the last month?"

Cynthia remained quiet. 

"Well?" Jane demanded defiantly.

"I don't know what to say." Cyn admitted softly. She paused. "Have you tried to talk to him about it?"

Jane shook her head. All at once her defiance vanished, tears began to flow. "What could I say? All he'd do is deny it!" She shook her head, "Paul and I have never had the most perfect relationship Cyn, I know that,  but I really thought...I really believed that once he knew about this child - HIS child, that he would grow up and do the right thing...for his child if not for me! He knew I had doubts about marrying him because of this but he begged and promised, really promised that he wouldn't do this to me! How do you think it feels to have been married just a few months before he's unfaithful to me?  I don't want to have this baby on my own Cyn but I refuse to tolerate his behaviour! I WILL NOT sit back and accept this from Paul or any other man!" She placed her hands on her swollen stomach and sobbed!

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