Part 10

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Rose lead Jane into the kitchen and sat her down. 

"Are you hurt? Any pain?" she asked urgently.

"Just my head," she mumbled.

Rose looked where Jane indicated. There was a lot of blood.  She recoiled in shock. "Jane love," she told her gently  "You've cut your head when you fell. I think you need to go to the hospital!"

Jane placed her head in her hands. "I feel so sick!" she mumbled then retched. 

Rose grabbed the empty washing up bowl from the sink and placed it in front of Jane. 

"Use this if you think you're going to be sick love," Rose rubbed Jane's shoulder, offering some comfort. "I'll go and call for an ambulance."

"And Paul!"

"I will." She dialed a number and spoke into the phone before hanging up and ringing another number. She returned to Jane.  "The ambulance is on it's way Jane and a message is being passed through to Paul as he's recording."

She smiled weakly. "Thanks." 

Rose watched as the colour suddenly left Jane's face. "Jane love?"

"I'm going to be sick!"

Paul raced into the Emergency Department. He stopped at the reception desk.

"Excuse me." He asked urgently, "My wife has been brought in. Her name is Jane McCartney."

The receptionist stared at Paul dumbstruck. 

"Please! My wife!"

A kindly faced matron approached. She had been told to wait for his arrival "Excuse me sir, your wife is this way."

Sighing with relief, Paul followed the her and was shown into a side room.

"Jane!" He rushed over to the bed.

She turned when she heard his voice and smiled sleepily. 

"Oh sweetheart, what's happened?" He sat beside the bed and took her hand in his. He kissed it softly. "Your head!"

"I slipped in the snow. Straight down the front steps at home!" She grimaced then gestured to the bandage around her head, "I've cut my head."

The door opened and a doctor came in. "Hello Mr McCartney, my name is James Rothwell. I've been treating your wife." He offered his hand for Paul to shake.

"How is she?" Paul looked anxiously back at Jane, her eyes already closed.

"She has told us she slipped in the snow. She has a deep cut which  has required six stitches on the back of her head. Our main concern now is a possible concussion. Mrs McCartney has vomited several times and is, as you can see, very sleepy. We are going to admit her over night, possibly longer, depending on how she recovers from the head injury."

"What about the baby?"

The doctor smiled. "Rest assured Mr McCartney, the pregnancy has been thoroughly checked. Your baby is fine."

"Thank you." Paul sighed in relief. "Can I stay with Jane?"

"We will be moving her to a ward shortly so you are welcome to stay until then."

Thanking the doctor, Paul nodded and returned to his seat beside the bed.  Jane slept. Paul studied her carefully. She was very pale... no doubt the shock of falling had caused that and stitches! She must have fallen hard! He looked to the mound that was their baby and once more felt intense relief that both Jane and the baby would be fine.His thoughts were interrupted by the doctor's return.

"Mr McCartney,there is a lady outside who claims to be your mother in law."

He got up and went to the door. "That's right! Let her in!"

The doctor stood to one side allowing Margaret rushed into the room. "Where's Jane? What's happened?"

Paul gently shushed her and gestured to the bed where Jane lay sleeping."

"What's happened? Rose rang and told me Jane had been admitted into hospital! It's not the baby already is it?"

Paul shook his head. ""No,it's not the baby Margret...not yet!" He smiled at her, " I was working today. Jane had arrange to meetup with some friends to do some baby shopping. From what I've been told Jane simply slipped and fell down the front steps at home. Apart from a cut on the back of her head, she's  fine Margaret, as is baby. They're keeping her in over night."

"But they've said she'll be OK?"

Paul suddenly fell sorry for his mother in law. She was close to tears. He placed his hand on her arm and lead her to the chair by the bed and made her sit down.  "Margaret, I've repeatedly asked about her. Apart from a few stitches in her head, she's unhurt. Both Jane and the baby have been thoroughly checked. They're keeping her  in overnight, in case of concussion."

Margaret sagged in relief and turned to her sleeping daughter. She took her hand and kissed it. Placing the hand back onto the bed, she turned back to Paul. "Thank goodness she's not serious!y hurt!" She smiled at Paul. "Don't look at me like that Paul! In a few weeks your son or daughter will be born!en you'll realise that no matter how grown your children become, you never stop worrying about them!"

Upon Jane's return home the following afternoon, Paul announced that he would be taking a few months off work in order to look after and support Jane during the remainder of the pregnancy and whilst she recovered from the birth. Although sceptical, Jane was touched by his concern and enjoyed spending time with him.

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