Part 23

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They were awoken by Mary's cries just after 7.30 that morning. Jane stretched and poked Paul with her hand.

"Come on daddy!"

Paul groaned. "Tell Mary it's too early!"

Jane giggled. " FOOL! You're daughter can't tell the time yet!" 

She got up and went into Mary's room. After taking Mary from her cot, she went to open the curtains as usual. One glance out into the street made her heart skip a beat. 

"Paul!  PAUL! QUICK!"

"What's wrong?" He rushed into the room.

"Look outside."

Paul peered through the lace curtains. Hordes of reporters and photographers were outside the house. He turned to Jane, an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry love." He looked worried. "I'll go out and talk to them. See if I can get them to go away."  

He gave her a quick kiss then turned to go back to their bedroom to get dressed. She followed him. 

"Paul, wait!"


"Come down and have something to eat. I'll feed Mary then we'll both go out and talk to them. I want to show them that we're still strong together."

He stared at her. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"For us Paul. For you, me and Mary. Our family."

He walked over and kissed her deeply then hugged his wife and his daughter together.

Just over an hour Paul, and Jane slipped out of the front gate. They stood together, Paul with his arm around Jane, ready to face the waiting press.

"Paul! Paul! Who was the woman you were with?"

"Does Jane know?"

"Will this mark the end of your marriage?"

"Jane, are you going to divorce Paul?"

"Jane, how does it feel for everyone to know your business?"

Paul held up his hand in order to silence the questions.

"I'd like to say a few words." he began quietly, "Yesterday compromising pictures appeared in the newspapers. Comments regarding my behaviour towards my wife were also made." He looked down and smiled at Jane. "So I would like to explain.

I am greatly embarressed to admit that after drinking in a club, I met a young woman. We danced and kissed....photographs of which you have all seen.

There have been allegations that I had sex with this woman. I am ashamed to say that due to the impaired judgement caused by alcohol, this is also true.

I have explained my behaviour to my wonderful wife. We have talked for many hours about the impact of my actions on Jane and our daughter Mary. I am extremely fortunate that Jane, although deeply hurt by this, is willing to put this behind us. To continue as husband and wife and parents to our daughter.

I can't thank her enough for her... well her amazing generosity of spirit to stand by me despite the way I have betrayed her and her trust in me."

There was silence apart from the constant click of cameras.

"Jane, Jane. DO you have anything to say?"

Jane smiled gently. "Despite what people think, Paul is human and makes mistakes. We have talked about what has happened and how it makes me feel. I'm hurt and angry but at the same time, my marriage is important to me. I love Paul despite all this. I can't walk away from that. We also share a daughter. A beautiful little girl who is almost a year old. She needs a mummy and a daddy." She took Paul's hand. "We are strong enough as a couple to get through this!"

They stood for a few more moments whilst more pictures were taken then, hand in hand, they returned to the house.

It wasn't long after that that the door bell rang. Paul sighed, certain it was still the press.

"I'll go love. I'll make the sods go away!"

He opened the door. It wasn't the press, it was the puce, furious face of his mother in law. She pushed passed him and walked into the hall. Paul closed the door behind her.


"Where's my daughter?"

"She's in the kitchen with Mary."

She pointed her finger at him and shook it in his face. "What the hell of you done to her now? You made me promises when she was pregnant for God's sake! How could you do this and do it so publicly? It's bad enough to be unfaithful without doing it so openly!" Such was her fury, she slapped him hard across the face. 


Margaret turned around. Jane was there, Mary in her arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Telling this waste of space husband of yours that he's gone too far!" she snapped back, "How can you say you forgive him Jane? Are you mad?"

"Mum, stop shouting! You're upsetting Mary!" Jane remained calm, "If you want to talk calmly then come through to the kitchen, otherwise just go home!"

Giving Paul a filthy look, Margaret walked through to the kitchen.


"Mum, Paul has been completely honest with me. We've talked everything through and yes, I am staying with him! We're not splitting up!"

"And how will it be before you do this again Paul?" Margaret looked at him in disgust.

"I won't." replied Paul quietly, "I know how much I've hurt Jane."He took Jane's have and squeezed it. "But I love her dearly and don't want our marriage to end. Your wonderful daughter is going to give me another chance, which I am very thankful for. I intend to be a completely faithful and devoted husband and the best father I can be to Mary."

Margaret shook her head. "Jane love, I think you're mad to give him another chance!" Suddenly she hugged her daughter, "Just remember your dad and I will always support you and help you whenever we can. I might disagree with your decision regarding Paul, but I'm there for you."

Jane hugged her mum back. "Thanks mum. I do appreciate that!"

Margaret nodded and picked up her bag. "As long as I know you're alright Jane love."

"I am mum."

Margaret kissed her grand daughter good bye then without a word to Paul, she left the house. Closing the door behind her, Jane returned to Paul. He looked sad.

"You OK?"

"Not really." He replied softly, "But it's what I expected really."

Jane nodded and kissed him. "She'll come round."

The phone rang. Jane answered it.

"One moment."  Paul heard her say, "I'll just get him for you Jim."

Paul's heart sank further. No doubt Margaret's comments which seem like nothing compared to the disgust his father was about to show him for his actions.

Sighing, he took the phone from his wife.

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