Part 28

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Paul stood at the door of Jane's room. He stared at his wife, his face drawn with fear and shock. He turned to Margaret.

"What happened? Why is she here? You were all supposed to still be in Carlisle!" He walked across to the bed and leaned across to kiss her. She stirred slightly but remained sleeping. He sat down and looked expectantly at his mother in law.

"Jane wanted to come home from Carlisle early. To surprise you."

"Me? Why?"

"Yesterday Paul. The second of August."

"Our wedding anniversary!"

Margaret nodded. "Jane planned to let herself into your house early this morning and surprise you. For your anniversary."

"And did she? Did she come in? I didn't see her!"

"You didn't?" Margaret looked thoughtful, "Then she must have had the bump in the car before coming to find you."

"BUMP! What bump!" Paul exclaimed, "For Christ's sake Margaret, this gets worse!"

"She came back to my house very quickly. She was very upset and shaken. She said she'd bumped the car with another driver and that that driver had been angry with her."

"Was she hurt?"

"No...Well I assumed not. She said she was fine....just shaken up. So she went for a lie down."

"You didn't get her checked out by a doctor or something?" Paul was appalled.

"She refused Paul. You know how stubborn she can be!"

"So why didn't you ring me? She's my fucking wife!" Paul's emotions flipped from anger to amazement and sadness. "I'm sorry ...I'm trying to understand Margaret."

"She told me not to."


"She didn't want you to see her. That you were in the studio and not to be disturbed."

"Why though?" Paul shook his head. "Why would she be like that?"

"I don't know Paul." Margaret shook her head sadly. "I really didn't understand why either."

"So why is she here? Was she hurt in the accident after all?"

Margaret swallowed. Suddenly she realised that Paul didn't know about the miscarriage! He'd be devastated, she knew that. 


"Paul..." She stopped. She found tears in her eyes. 

"Margaret, just tell me! Please!"

"The accident, it must have done something. Jane woke up in the night. She was in pain Paul, that's why I brought her here."

"And what's wrong? Jane's going to be OK isn't she?"

Margaret walked around to his side of the bed. She placed an arm across his shoulders. "Jane will be fine the doctor has said but Paul," she paused, "Oh Paul love, I'm so sorry....Jane...she miscarried. She's lost the baby!" She hugged Paul as she felt him slump with the news.

"Why wasn't I with her?" Tears rolled down his face. "She shouldn't have gone through that on her own!"

"I'm sorry...about you not being here and things Paul. Jane, she was in a strange mood. She didn't want you here! I don't know why!"

Paul took his wife's hand closet to him and kissed it. He held it against his cheek. "I'm here Jane my love. Where I'm supposed to be! We'll get through this, you me and Mary." He stopped and turned his attention back to Margaret. "Mary?"

"She's fine. She's with Robert."

Paul nodded and turned his attention to Jane. "I'm going to stay here." he told Margaret, "I want to be here when she wakes up!"

"But the doctor said..."

"I don't care what he said! I'm staying!" Paul was adamant.

"Do you mind if I stay with you Paul?"

Paul studied Margaret for a moment. He could see her concern for Jane. He nodded.

"Mum." Jane's voice was quiet and groggy. "Mum!"

Paul was alert. "Hi baby. I'm here. It's Paul." He took her hand again.

Jane turned to the sound of his voice. "Where's mum?"

"I'm here Jane." Margaret was now awake.  "How are you feeling?"

"OK." She swallowed. "Can I have a drink of water please?"

Margaret helped Jane to sit up whilst Paul poured her a glass of water. He handed it to his wife.

"There you are my love."

"Why are you here?"

Paul looked surprised by Jane's reception. "Your dad rang and told me you were here. I wanted to be with you!"

"Go away! I don't want you here!"


"Mum! I told you I didn't want him here! I told you!"

"Jane, my love, it's OK. we'll get through this! We can try again for a baby!"

"You don't get it do  you?" She scowled angrily at him, "This is your fault Paul. You killed your own child!"

"What? I didn't..."


"Hasn't he?" Jane looked t her mother. "Is that what you think?"

Paul and Margaret looked at her, both confused. 

I don't understand Jane my love." said Paul softly, "I really don't. Explain what you mean love. Please"

"You really want me to explain?" 

He nodded.

"I came to Cavendish to surprise you for our wedding anniversary. Mum had Mary.I planned to make love with you then make you breakfast. Because I'd been away and I love you...well I loved you. I let myself into the house. It was really early so that I knew you were still in bed. I tiptoed upstairs then tried to avoid the creaky boards on the landing. I knew you were sleeping on your front Paul because you were snoring and you only snore on your front. You know, I was so excited to see you, I was bubbling with excitement! I longed to hug you and feel you hold me. I'd really missed you when I was in Carlisle."

Paul nodded. "I missed you too Jane."

"Some how I don't think that Paul." Jane shrugged, "Once I reached the bedroom door, I pushed the door open and crept in. You'd left your clothes all over the floor! It made me smile because you only do that when I'm not there because you know it drives me mad! The curtains were still closed so it took my eyes a few minutes to adjust but then I saw you. You looked angelic Paul. Sound asleep, not a care in the world!" She began to cry, "I decided not to wake you though. I couldn't face you at that moment. I wanted to get away and that's when I hit the other car. I was all over the place after seeing you.  It's YOUR fault I had the accident Paul. It's your fault it shook me up and it's your fault I miscarried! Now GO AWAY!"

"Jane, stop this! What happened was an accident and not Paul's fault!" Margaret intervened.

"But it was mum." said Jane through her tears. "You haven't asked why I decided not to go through with my plan to surprise Paul have you?. Why I decided no to wake him up and want to make love? Why I turned around and left him instead?" 


"Shall I tell you mum?" she continued, her voice bitter, "Paul? Well, the reason I left was because my husband wasn't alone mum, were you Paul? He was snuggled up warm and cosy with anther woman in our marital bed! What a way to celebrate your wedding anniversary Paul!"


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