Part 27

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Margaret looked at her watch. It was now over two hours since Jane had been wheeled away. They'd refused to let Margaret stay with her, despite Jane's distress and heartbreaking calls for her mother. 

"Excuse me..." Margaret tentatively approached a young nurse on the reception desk, "Could you find out how my daughter is please? We came in some time ago."

After taking some details the nurse scuttled off. Margaret took her seat in the waiting room once more.  She waited. 

It was well over an hour later that a doctor finally appeared. Margaret watched as he approached the reception desk. He spoke to the nurse there who gestured to Margaret. Realising it was the doctor treating Jane, Margaret stood up.

"My daughter." she whispered."Jane McCartney? How is she?"

The doctor looked grave. "If you could follow me madam," he asked her gently, "We can talk privately." He opened a door to a small office and allowed Margaret to enter first. "Please, take a seat."

"Jane!" Margaret was now greatly alarmed, "She's alright isn't she? Please tell me!"

The doctor sat in a seat facing her. "Jane is fine Mrs Asher."

Margaret sighed with relief, "Thank goodness!"

"However," the doctor continued, "I regret to inform you that she miscarried the baby about twenty minutes ago."

"OH NO!" Margaret fought back tears. "Poor Jane! Can I see her please?"

The doctor nodded. "Your daughter is naturally very distressed Mrs Asher. It is my intention to give her a light sedative in order for her to rest. Tomorrow morning she will need to go into theatre."


The doctor remained solemn. "Your daughter was almost twenty weeks pregnant Mrs Asher. A late miscarriage is always very difficult. We need to perform and D and C to ensure your daughter makes a full recovery."

Margaret nodded. Miscarriage carried a risk of infection if any trace of the pregnancy was left inside the body, she knew that. Poor Jane! 

"Can I see her? Please?" she repeated.

Nodding, the doctor stood up. "If you would follow me please."

Jane was in a private room on the Maternity ward. Margaret tiptoed into the room. Jane was lying in the bed, her face deathly pale and tear stained. Her eyes were closed. Margaret looked at the midwife who was finishing checks on her daughter.

"Can I talk to her?"

The midwife nodded. "She has only just closed her eyes" she replied quietly, "She might hear you. Are you mum?"

Margaret nodded.

The midwife smiled. "It's good you're here. She's been asking for you s lot!"

The midwife left the room.Margaret went to the side of Jane's bed and took her hand. She squeezed it gently.

"Jane sweetheart. It's your mum."

She watched as Jane's eyes flickered then opened.

"Mum!" She whispered then burst into tears. "It's gone. The baby. It's gone!"

"Oh Jane!" Margaret sat on the bed and held her heart broken daughter as she sobbed for the child that she would now never know.

"I wanted to see my baby mum. They wouldn't let me!" She sobbed more. Margaret felt helpless. She could offer her daughter little comfort other than hold her as she cried.

The doctor returned to the room a few moments later. He was carrying a small tray holding a glass of water and two white tablets. Margaret looked up as he came in. He smiled gentkly to her and gestured to the tray.

"Jane sweetheart?"

Jane raised her tear stained face and looked at her mother.

"The doctor is here love. He wants to give you something to help you sleep."

Jane shook her head. "I don't need it. I'm OK."

"Oh Jane!" Margaret took her daughter's hand. "You've had a very long traumatic day. You need to be thoroughly rested before you come home to Paul and Mary. Take these tablets love, please!"

Jane looked from her mum to the doctor. 


The doctor came forward and ensured the medication was administered properly.

"Right, you settle down and get comfortable," soothed Margaret, arranging her pillows and covers. "I'll stay with you until you're asleep. Then I'll be back tomorrow with Paul."

Jane sat up with a start. "NOT PAUL MUM! NO PAUL!"

"Jane? Why? Paul will be worried..."

"NO!" Jane began to get distressed again.

"OK, OK!" Margaret agreed hurriedly, "I won't bring Paul with me."

"You promise?"

Margaret nodded, completely confused and worried. "Now settle down like the doctor needs you to do. Please love. Rest now."

Jane settled quickly, the tablets taking effect very quickly. Within minutes she was asleep. Margaret collected her belongings and wearily left the ward. Glancing at her watch, she discovered it was now almost 6 am and she was suddenly exhausted. She debated whether to go to Cavendish Avenue and wake Paul. She knew he desperately needed to know about Jane and the baby. Tears rolled down her face as she thought about the baby that was now lost. Suddenly she didn't have the strength or energy to go to face Paul with the news. There was nothing he could do for Jane at the moment anyway she decided. The doctors had been adamant that she would not be allowed any visitors until after midday. Margaret decided  she would ring Paul later in the morning and arrange to meet him at the hospital. 

As she approached the  hospital entrance she saw him.He was stood by the reception desk asking the person on duty questions. Judging by Paul's angry face, they weren't being very helpful.

"Paul." She touched him gently on the arm.

He jumped and turned around.

"Margaret! Thank God!" He took her arm and lead her away from the desk, "What the hell is going on? Where's Jane? Robert rang me and told me she was here!"

"Jane's resting Paul love. They won't let you see her. We'll have to come back tomorrow."

"NO! Where is she?"

"But Paul we..."

"For fucks sake," he hissed angrily, "My pregnant wife has been admitted into hospital. No one seems to think I need to know why! I want to know where she is!"

Margaret shrank back from him. 

"Room 19. The Maternity ward."

Paul went pale. "Maternity ward? Margaret what's happened? I'm sorry I got angry with you. I'm worried to death about Jane!"

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