Part 39

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Jane was on the phone when Paul returned from another walk the Mary and Martha. He looked at her, puzzled.

"....I will,. Yes. Ok thanks Jim. Bye. Good bye."


"Your dad."

"You rang my dad? Why?"

She smile at him. "When I didn't hear from you, I rang around different people to see if they's seen you. Including your dad."

"Oh. Right."

"He was worried about you Paul. You  hadn't rung him for ages. He wanted to know you were alright so I thought I'd ring him and let him know you're safe and sound."

"How is he?"

"He's good. Paul, ring him. He's really worried about you. He's not angry any more. He knows me and Mary are here with you. I've told him that you, me and Mary are having a holiday together."

"I hate it when dad's mad at me!" said Paul suddenly, "It makes me feel like I'm a kid again!"

Jane smiled. "Then be the adult and ring him. Have a chat. Tell him about Mary. Oh, and if he mentions Christmas, tell him we're spending it together, here in Scotland."

"Are we?" he asked.

"I'd like to. You asked for a chance to try again. Then we'll try." She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Ring your dad. I'm going to watch TV with Mary."

When Paul returned to the living room half an hour later he looked happier, more relaxed. Jane looked up and smiled at him.

"Good call?"

He sat next to her and kissed her cheek. "Thank you for making me do it. You were right. I needed to talk with dad."

"And was everything OK?"

He nodded. "Really good. Has asked after you and Mary. He seemed pleased with the idea that we were spending Christmas together."

"What do you mean, the 'idea?'"

"You meant it?"

"Yes." Jane held his hand. "We'll give things a go. Slow and steady Paul. I'm not making any promises!"

"I was going to go into the town today." said Jane, "Fancy coming with me and Mary?"

"Not sure..." Paul looked doubtful, "What were you going to buy?"

"Well I need to get some food in. Then I was thinking we need a Christmas tree and some decorations. I thought I'd have a look in the toy shop. See if anything catches Mary eye then I'll go back and get it when she's not with me."

"That's a good idea!" said Paul, "Actually I have a present for Mary already."

"You do?"

He nodded.

"What?" she whispered.

"A mini piano. It's real, not a toy just very small." Paul grinned. "You know how much she like sitting with me when I play! It's in London though."

"Awwww." Jane smiled. "You softie! You'd love her to be musical wouldn't you?"

He grinned and nodded.

She walked to him and hugged him suddenly leaving Paul stunned.

"Right, the shopping. Are you coming?"

"How about you do the  shopping and buy some decorations for the tree. I'll sort out a tree."

"Where from?" Jane frowned.

"The woods. I'll choose one, cut it down then bring it back."

She laughed. "You're sure?"

He nodded. "You can't beat a real tree Jane. Imagine Mary's face."

"OK. Just remember how small the living room is. Don't bring something too big!"

He laughed! "I won't!" He moved forward and kissed her on the cheek. "You go and have fun OK?"

"Sure."She finished helping Mary put her coat on and set off.

By the time Jane arrived home, Paul was back in the house standing proudly by a slightly leaning tree stood in a bucket of soil. It was huge!

"Ta Dar!" He declared as they came into the room.

"Kissmas Tree mummy!" Mary squealed in excitement, "Big tree!"

Jane started laughing. "You're right Mary. It is a big tree."

"Don't you like it?" Paul's face fell.

"Of course I do!" Jane came over to him, still giggling. She kissed him. "It's lovely and. like you said, Mary does love it!"

"Did you buy any tree decorations in town?" he asked, smiling again.

"We did."

"Come on Mary. Show daddy where all the decorations are."

Mary took his hand and lead him back to the car. Jane followed. 

"Here you are daddy." Jane handed him the bag of decorations. "I bought some streamers too. To hang from the ceiling!"

"I can't wait!"

He went back into the house with Mary whilst Jane brought in the shopping. Once the bags were unpacked, she went back into the living room. Paul and Mary were proudly putting decorations on the tree. Every so often Paul would lift her up so that Mary could reach the higher branches. Smiling like a fool, Jane grabbed the camera and took photographs of the precious moments with Daddy and Mary. Paul saw her.

"Come and help!" he urged.

"Mummy help too!"

After about an hour an exhausted Mary lay on the sofa staring at the jumbled twinkle of colours on the tree. She lay with her head on Paul's lap and Jane was sat on his other side.

"You know something, " he said softly to Jane, "I never imagined that this would ever happen. Sitting here, close to Christmas, with you and Mary with our enormous tree in a tiny room." He turned to Jane. "Thank you sweetheart. Thank you. You are happy aren't you?"

Jane grinned at him then leaned over to him. She kissed him softly on the lips for the first time in many months. "Very." she whispered. "Very happy."


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