Part 26

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Jane was buzzing with excitement. Tomorrow was her third wedding anniversary and Paul still believed she was in Carlisle! Instead though, Margaret, Jane and Mary were heading back to London. Her plan was to surprise Paul on their anniversary morning whilst Margaret kept Mary for a few hours! Jane couldn't wait!

The morning of the 2nd August began early for Jane. She showered and dressed, looking as sexy as her rapidly changing shape would allow before borrowing her mother's car and driving to Cavendish Avenue. She silently let herself into the house just before 8 am. She looked around, pleased that there was no sign of Paul being up yet. 

Grinning to herself, she slipped off her shoes and tiptoed as quietly as possible up the stairs. She could hear Paul snoring softly. She smiled. It meant he was sleeping on his front. He only snored then. Jane continued up the stairs and then along the landing, trying desperately to remember where the creaky floorboards were! The bedroom door was partially closed. She placed her hand on the door handle and pushed it slowly. She couldn't wait to see him and hug him!The room was in semi darkness. Paul's clothes were strewn around the floor. She knew he'd only done that because she wasn't there to tell him off for it! Jane wanted to laugh wickedly... she knew an ideal punishment for that! Slowly her eyes adjusted enough for her to make out the sleeping form of her husband on the bed. She stood and looked at him, sleeping peacefully, not a care in the world. Jane realised she couldn't wake him afterall. Instead she turned and after pulling the door closed once more, she left him alone.

Jane slipped silently from the house and got back into the car. It felt all wrong suddenly. She needed to get away! Starting the engine, she took off without really looking where she was going.


Jane felt herself thrown forward, back into reality! Momentarily stunned and winded, she slowly became aware of another car. The driver had left his vehicle and was now approaching her.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" The male drive shouted at her. "LOOK AT MY CAR!"

Jane burst into tears. "I'm...I'm sorry! I...I didn't see you!"

"Jane?" Margaret Asher looked surprised. "I thought you were with Paul?"

Jane looked blankly at her mother. "Paul?"

Margaret approached her in concern. "What happened love?"

Jane began to cry. "I crashed your car mum! I'm so sorry!"

"WHAT! Are you hurt?"

Jane shook her head. "No, but your car is!"

"Never mind the car, we need to get you to a doctor to be check out!"

Jane held out her hand to stop her mother's advance. "No...I'm OK. I'm not hurt, just a little shaken up." She wiped away the tears. "I think I need a lie down though mum. Is that OK?"

"Wouldn't a doctor be better love? With the baby and everything?"

"I'm Ok mum... I'm sorry about the car though!" She began to cry again.

"Shhhh now! None of that matters love!" 

Margaret Asher lead her daughter to her room to rest.

Jane lay on the bed, trying to make sense of the morning. Her head ached and she felt sick. What was she going to do now? She closed her eyes and hoped sleep would help her to feel better. Margaret came to wake her daughter an hour or so later. She found Jane awake and crying softly to herself. She placed the cup of tea on the bedside table and sat on the bed.

"Hey sweetheart, what's wrong? What happened this morning?"

Jane moved to sit up. "I was on Cavendish Avenue in the car. I pulled out without checking properly and hit another car. The driver was furious and it shook me up. I keep shaking!"

Margaret made soothing noises and handed Jane the cup of tea. "See if this will help you to calm down! That's shock!"

Jane nodded and sipped the tea, her hand shaking slightly. "Where's Mary?" 

"Your dad has taken her to the park love. She was getting restless."

"Thanks mum!" Jane moved slowly, "When dad's back we'll go home."

"No love, stay. You need to rest." Margaret was still concerned. "I'll ring Paul, shall I?"


Margaret looked surprised at the snappiness of Jane's answer. "Jane?"

Jane swallowed. "Paul's at the studio mum." She tried to keep her voice calmer now. " He thinks we're still in Carlisle remember. I don't want him to worry!"

It was just after midnight that she first felt it. It woke her slightly but she fell asleep quickly again. Half an hour later there were more...becoming increasing stronger. Now awake Jane got out of bed and went to the bathroom.  From the bathroom she headed down the landing to her parent's room. She opened the door.

"Mum!" She whispered. "MUM!" Her voice was louder now, more urgent. "Mum...wake up!" Jane shook her gently.

Margaret slowly opened her eyes. "Jane?" Her voice was full of sleep.

"Mum, help me!"

Margaret sat up, wide awake. "Jane, what is it?"

"I'm having pains mum! I think somethings wrong!"

Margaret was immediately out of bed and by Jane's side. 

"It'll be the shock from today!" She told her frightened daughter soothingly, "We'll get you to the hospital and get you checked out! Everything will be fine. Don't you worry!"

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