Part 14

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Margaret Mary Jane McCartney was a happy baby and the apple of her father's eye. Paul loved spending time with her and would take over childcare at any chance. Already, by the age of four months old, Mary had been introduced to the piano, the guitar, daddy's singing and all the people who daddy worked with at Abbey Road. 

Jane had found adjusting to motherhood less easy. In her mind, Mary's birth had been an horrific experience....embarressing, degrading and PAINFUL!  Despite Cyn and Maureen telling her that you forget the labour once the baby arrived, as far as Jane was concerned she was NEVER having another child....EVER! Still, she had stopped breast feeding after her six weeks check up when the doctor explained that she wouldn't be able to restart using the contraceptive pill whilst feeding. It was NO CONTEST! Forget breast feeding! - she had to ensure she didn't get pregnant again!

Paul was worried. He knew things between himself and Jane weren't right but he wasn't sure how to raise the subject with her. Mary was nearly five months old and, as yet, Jane and Paul hadn't made love. He'd made gentle overtures and suggestions but Jane claimed tiredness or that she was still sore after the birth. Paul was struggling! He loved Jane desperately and wanted to keep his vow to her but there was only so much DIY relief a man could take! 

He'd spoken privately to Ringo, trying to find out what to expect after a woman had had a baby. His experience with Jane didn't sound anything like what his friend described. Worried about Jane, Paul decided he had only one option - to speak to Margaret. It wouldn't be easy discussing something so personal with his mother in law, but as far as he saw it, Jane needed help!

He left the studio early one afternoon and headed to Wimpole Street. 

"Paul!" Margaret looked behind him, "Oh...Jane and Mary  not with you?" She looked disappointed!

"No, I'm on my own Margaret. Have you got time for a chat?"

Margaret let him in. 

"Go through to the kitchen Paul love. I'll put the kettle on!"

Margaret glanced at the young man sat at her kitchen table. He looked tired... the joys of a baby... but he also looked sad. He placed a pot of tea and the biscuit in on the table and sat down with him.

"How's my grand daughter doing Paul?"

For the first time he smiled. His whole face lit up. "She's wonderful Margaret! An absolute delight!"

"And what about her mummy?"

Paul looked away, saying nothing.

"Is there something wrong with Jane, Paul love? Is that why you're here?"

Paul looked up at Margaret. "It's hard ... it'shard to explain Margaret  but..." He stopped.


"I'm worried about Jane." he said hurriedly, his words falling over each other. "Since Mary was born..." He shook his head.


"She's very distant from Mary." He looked sad, "I don't mean she doesn't look after her properly, she does's like it's...automatic and not because she loves her. I know having a baby was something she wasn't happy about but I really thought ... I thought that once Mary arrived things would have changed." He wiped a stray tear from his eye. "She worse if anything."

"What do you mean?"

"She pushes me away...keeps me at a distance completely!" He looked Margaret in the eye. "I love Jane so much ... even more so since Mary. I truely want to be faithful to her and her alone... but ....." He stopped. "That makes me sound so shallow doesn't it?But I'm not! It's not just making love, it's more than that!"

Margaret studied Paul's face for a moment. She could see how he genuinely was concerned for his wife.

"When did you and Jane last.... sorry!"

Paul gave a sad laugh. "It's OK ...we haven't ... not since Jane fell, before Mary was born."

"Have you tried?"

"She makes excuses about waking Mary or being too tired. I get that, I do but..." He looked at Margaret sadly, "Am I being unreasonable Margaret? Is it unrealistic to expect that we make love after all this time?"

Margaret shook her head slowly. "Generally things should have returned to normal by now Paul." She looked thoughtful, "She could be depressed? Does she seem like that?"

Paul shrugged. "I just don't know what to think."

"Would you like me to talk to her?"

"Would you? Please Margaret?" Paul pleaded. "I just want our life to be happy but, at the moment, neither of us are!"

Margaret patted Paul's hand. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"Me? No...Why?"

"How about  I give Jane a ring? Arrange lunch for just me and her. You babysit."

"That's a great idea! And I'm sure the break will do Jane a world of good!" Paul smiled the first proper smile of the day. "Thanks Margaret. Look, I'll go home now. Give Jane a ring n a while because if I'm in she can't say I'm busy and back out!"

"Good idea!"

After leaving the Asher's, Paul headed home, stopping at a flower stall by the cemetry en route to buy some flowers for Jane. He arrived him in a much happier mood now that he had spoken to Margaret. He let himself in. He could hear Jane in the living room. She was talking to Mary...her voice was soft and loving.He stood at in the doorway, watching and listening, not wanting to disturb the moment between mother and daughter.

He slipped into the room and put his arms around Jane's waist. She jumped and turned around, not realising he was there.

"Hello sweetheart," said Paul kissing her, "You two sound happy!"

His face fell when Jane moved quickly from his arms, barely letting him give her more than a peck on her cheek.

"Hi. Good day?" She commented, not really interested.

Paul handed her the flowers. "I got these for you. Because I love you!"

She took them from him and looked at them. He hoped for a kiss or a smile from her. Instead she gave him a cold look.

"Why have you brought me flowers? What have you done?"

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