Part 9

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Margaret held her daughter until the tears subsided. Suddenly Jane lifted her head.

"You won't tell Paul what I've said will you?" She pleaded, "It will just make things worse mum! Please!"

"Don't you think he should know why you feel like this Jane?"

"No! Please mum!"

Margaret hugged her daughter once more. "If that's what you want me to do  then fine, I'll do as you ask."

"I'm sorry mum!"

"What for sweetheart?"

"Making a mess of my life. Letting you and dad down. I'm so sorry!"

"You've not made a mess Jane darling! Never!" She paused, "Look at me Jane! Your dad and I, we're so proud of everything you've achieved with your life! Don't shake your head! I mean it! We do! And now, with marrying Paul and the baby coming, it's a new chapter in your lives, but also in me and dad's life. You've become a wife and soon, you'll be a mother. Your dad and I, we will become grandparents. W e are proud of what you've become Jane and we know you'll continue to be a success!"

"Thank you mum."

"But always remember something my love."

"What mum?"

"If Paul and you find your relationship isn't working for whatever reason, don't suffer in silence. Don't think you have to hide that from us! Your father and I will stand by you no matter what you do! Do you understand?"

Jane studied her mother's face  then nodded. "Thank you." she whispered. "I just hope that never happens!"

Margaret smiled. "Paul loves you very much Jane. And he's excited about the baby. Maybe now is the time to start making plans for baby and getting things ready? Focus on the positives in your relationship. What do you think?"

Jane nodded, knowing her mother was right.

They drove home a few hours later. 

"Is there anything you would like to do when we get back Jane love?" Paul asked.

"Yes there is actually."

"Go on." said Paul,surprised.

"I'd like to go up to the room next to ours and see if it would make a good nursery." She grinned at him, "Then discuss some ideas for colours and stuff."

Paul pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine.  He looked at her. "Really!"

She nodded. "And then I was thinking that once the New Year celebrations are over, we should start buying what were going to need for the baby."

"That sounds fantastic!" said Paul, excited,  "We could visit one of those big department stores in town to do the shopping. Brian can arrange for them to open after hours for us! What do you think?"

"A brilliant idea!" said Jane grinning, "That means we can go together so you don't miss out on choosing things!"

Lying in bed later, Jane sound asleep beside him, Paul reflected on the day. Clearly whatever Jane had discussed with Margaret had helped. The evening had been a lot of fun. They had cleared the junk for the unused room and begun to strip the old wallpaper off. They'd even discussed baby names, something Jane had steadfastly refused to even mention before! Things were looking up! He just hoped it would continue!  Suddenly Jane stirred beside him and woke up. She groaned.

"You OK baby?" Paul asked, concerned.

Jane heaved herself upright. "I need the bathroom! Junior is dancing on my bladder!" 

She got to her feet and waddled into the en - suite. Paul sat up to wait for her. A few minutes later she reappeared.

"Oh sorry!" she said when she saw him sitting there, "Did I wake you?"

He smiled and shook his head. "No...I was still awake. I wanted to make sure you were OK."

She climbed into bed. "I'm OK now! No doubt that will be one of my many bathroom visits tonight!" She laughed. "Can I come for a snuggle Paul?"

He grinned in delight! "Anytime! You know that!" He held his arm out to her and she snuggled up to him. He kissed her on the forehead. "Love you Mrs McCartney!"

He heard her giggle as she sleepily told him she loved him too!

January 1967

Jane looked out of the window and grimaced. SNOW! She  was due to meet up with Cyn and Maureen to do some shopping whilst the lads were working. With just four weeks of pregnancy left, she wanted to buy some more baby clothes and the girls were going to advise her what to buy. It would be even colder today than she'd expected. After collecting her warmer coat, she said her good byes to Rose and headed out. 

She didn't notice the ice on the front steps. Her feet simply went from under her and the next thing she knew was she was lying in a heap at the bottom, a tremendous pain in the back her head. Struggling, she tried to get to her feet but the combination of the extra weight from the baby and dizziness from her bang to the head, she simply couldn't do it! Her eyes filled with tears of pain, frustration and helplessness. 

She tried, unsuccessfully, to call out to Rose. Feeling desperate and getting colder by the second, she called again. Suddenly a head appeared over the front gate.

"Help me!" Jane called. "Please!"

The head vanished to be replaced by a pair of feet as a young girl climbed the gate. Dropping down, she opened the gate and let in two friends. Jane recognised them as some of the regular fans that hung around in the hope of seeing Paul.


The girls ran over. "Are you OK?"

Jane shook her head, now in tears. "I slipped. I can't get up!"

Two of them offered Jane their hands. 

"We'll pull you up!" said one.

They tried but only succeeded in making Jane cry out in pain.

"Knock on my door!" begged Jane quietly, "Rose is there. Please!"

Doing as she asked, they banged on the door and shouted through the letter box. Finally a furious Rose appeared at the door.

"Will you girls just....!"

"Jane's hurt!" they cried!

"Oh my goodness!" Rose saw Jane on the floor and rushed to help her.

Jane was crying in relief. "I can't get up! Help me!"

Somehow, between Rose and the three girls, they got Jane to her feet and back into the house.

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