Part 22

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"WOW!" Paul kissed her softly, "That was amazing! You're amazing! I love you!" He moved from her, still panting from their love making.

They lay wrapped around each other both slicked with sweat but contented. Eventually Paul moved.

"I need a cold drink." he smiled down at Jane, "Would you like one?"

Jane nodded. "Please love."

As she left the room Jane thought about what they shared. It had been different... more of an emotional connection than an physical need. Had it been like for him when he'd had sex with that other woman she wondered?  She pushed the thought from her mind. She knew the only way trying to get her marriage back on track was not to dwell on his betrayal. She thought about her mother too ... and then the press....they're be comments from all sides. No doubt people would say she was a fool to put up with him after what he'd done and so publicly too. Suddenly she found herself crying. Tears poured down her face from no where.

"Jane?" Paul rushed over to her, shocked to find her in tears. "What is it?"

She shook her head and turned away from him.

"Hey!" He held her and turned her back to him, "Don't turn away. Talk to me! We've said we'll be honest with each other!" He held her face in the same way she had held his. "Jane, tell me!" He let go of her and held her gaze.

"When you went downstairs I started thinking about us. Then I realised the last woman you made love with wasn't me!" She shrugged, tears flowing again.

"Oh Jane baby! Don't cry!" He held her close to him.

"But it's true! I keeping imagining you with her!"

Paul shook his head. "It's not true Jane."

She looked up, her face tear stained and woebegone. "But you said..."

"Shhhh." He kissed her softly, "The woman in the bar was nothing. It was animal sex. It meant nothing! With you and me, we're different. When I'm with you, it's not just the physical need and pleasure Jane! I feel an intense feeling of love and desire to share myself with you!That only happens with you. And that's because I love you!"

"Do you? Really?"

"What? Love you?"

Jane nodded. 

"Oh sweetheart, I love you so much! I have since we met. It's my love for you that made me write some of my most beautiful songs. "And I love her" was for you. As was 'Here, there and everywhere.'  I don't know how to reassure you."

"People know what you did to me Paul. The press...everybody. They'll be comments, horrible  things will be said."

"And we'll ride it and get through it!" He kissed her gently, "And I'll do my best to protect you from nasty comments. I made a mistake, not you. I deserve things to be said about my behaviour, not you."

She nodded. Paul gently wiped her tears away. "You mean everything to me Jane. My life without you and Mary would be meaningless."

"Can we go away for a while?" said Jane suddenly. "Just you, me and Mary. Make that time to be a family like we said. Tomorrow?"

This took Paul by surprise. "Seriously? You want to go tomorrow?"

She nodded. "I don't care where. Just the three of us. No one else!"

He pulled her back in to bed. "We'll go away no problem Jane love but not tomorrow. I'm not letting you hide away. I'll deal with the fall out from this. It's my fault anyway!"

Jane reluctantly agreed then snuggled up to him and fell asleep. 

Jane awoke several hours later needing the bathroom. As she returned to bed she realised Paul wasn't there. Confused, she went out onto the landing and listened. She could heard him talking very quietly in Mary's room. She tiptoed to the door and peeped. Her heart melted. Paul was sat on the floor so that he was eye level with a sleepy Mary. Mary was gazing adoringly at her daddy as he told her a story. He looked up and saw Jane there.

"Hey Miss Mary, here's your gorgeous mummy!" He grinned at Jane. He patted the space beside him.

"What are you doing in here?" she whispered, sitting beside him.

"Mary was crying. I came in because I didn't want her to wake you."

"She looks fine now." Jane smiled, "I think you're enjoying this too much!"

"Me?" he whispered in mock hurt, "I don't know what you mean!"

"This is a bad habit to get her in to you know!" Jane scolded, "She'll want this much attention every night!"

Paul grinned sheepishly. "Every time I left the room, she cried again."

Jane watched as he continued his story and Mary's eyes drooped until she was fast asleep once more.

Jane leaned over and blew a kiss to her daughter. "Good night sweetheart." she whispered. She turned to Paul. "Come on daddy, back to bed for us now." She held her hand to him. He took it and they walked back into their room together. 

"I'm cold!" said Paul, "Come and give me a cuddle!"

Jane laughed. "Any excuse!" She snuggled up to him. "I'll warm you up." she whispered then began to kiss him. 

"I'm warm now!" He told her, pretending to go to sleep.

"Yes...but I want you really HOT!" she wriggled suggestively against him, "So hot that you have to strip off!"

"I'm shocked Mrs McCartney, that you would suggest such terrible things!" Paul replied, pretending to be upset.

Jane giggled then after she'd pulled her nightshirt up around her waist, she straddled Paul. His eyes widened in surprise.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Warming you up, like you asked." She smirked at him then slipped her hands around his waist and gently pulled his shorts down. Maintaining eye contact, she stroked his pubic hair.

"Do you like that?" she asked softly.

Paul nodded.

Jane gently freed his growing erection and stroked it with the tips of her fingers. She continued to watch Paul, his eyes now closed and his breathing deep, showing how aroused he was becoming. She took his penis in her hand and messaged it causing Paul to be firm and hard almost immediately.


He opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Yes my love?"

She lifted herself up and moved down slowly taking his erection inside herself. She heard Paul gasp. She down at him, he was smiling at her. She began to move, slowly grinding herself against him. He moaned in pleasure. Jane kept up a slow yet steady pace, building them both to the point of no return. Paul climaxed first, crying her name as he ejaculated. Jane continued to move, feeling him inside her then, moments later,  she too orgasmed. She fell  against him, panting. 

"That was amazing!" Paul kissed her forehead. "Amazing!"

"Good! That's what I wanted you to feel!" She returned his kiss.

"I love you woman! I love you so much!"

Jane moved and lay down beside him. 

They slept .

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