Part 12

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Paul stared at the baby in his arms trying to take in the fact that she was his...his daughter - forever! The baby squirmed...her face creasing and her eyes squinting as if she was trying  to focus on his face. That's when he knew he loved her. It hit him hard. This little person would now rely on him and Jane for everything. 

"I won't let you or your mummy down!" he promised, whispering in her ear. "All my life I will be there for you both."

The baby stopped squirming and drifted off to sleep. Paul studied her perfect face. She had Jane's red colouring but her eyes gave her away, she was definitely a McCartney! He smiled, he was in love with this little person he'd only just met.


He jumped and looked up. Jane was watching him.

"Enjoying your first moments as a daddy?" she asked him softly.

He stood up and carried the baby over then sat on the bed beside her. "Do you want to hold her Jane? Your turn?"

Jane smiled."No, you keep for a little longer."

"Are you sure?" Paul was surprised. 

"I can see her perfectly here Paul." She stroked the baby's soft downy head with it's hint of red. "Anyway, the midwife has said you can only stay for an hour then I need to rest."

Paul kissed Jane softly on the lips. "Thank you for our daughter. You've been through so much to have her. Thank you and I love you so much!"

"Oh Paul!" she wiped the stray tear rolling down his cheek. "I love you too!"

They sat quiet for a few moments, just enjoying the quiet time with their baby.

"Do you think we should give her a name?" Jane asked quietly, "We can't just call her baby now, can we?" 

Paul chuckled. "No, I suppose we can't!" He paused. "We never really discussed names though, did we? Not seriously!"

Jane shook her head.

"So what names do you like?" Paul asked cautiously.

She smiled at him. "Well I always assumed that you would want your first born to be either a Mary or a James - after your mum and dad."

Paul looked at her, stunned. "You'd agree to name her after my mum? Really?"

She nodded. "It's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby and I know it means a lot to you ... and your dad."

Paul nodded, unable to speak. He looked down on his daughter. "Hello Mary. How do you like your name then?" His voice cracked with emotion. 

"She loves it, don't you little Mary." said Jane smiling at him.

"I've had a thought," said Paul suddenly.


"Well this little lady also needs a middle name." He grinned, "I was thinking, in keeping with the McCartney tradition of having three names, what about Margaret Mary Jane McCartney. That way she's has three strong, intelligent and beautiful women as her life role models."

Jane looked thoughtful for a moment. "I think that's a lovely idea Paul. Thank you!"

At that moment there was a polite knock on the door.

"Come in." called Paul.

The midwife slipped back into the room, smiling at the couple sat together with their new baby.

"I'm sorry to spoil your time together," she said softly, "But I'm afraid I need to ask you to leave now Mr McCartney. It's really important that we give your wife time to rest. You are welcome to return at 3 pm for visiting."

Paul nodded. "Ok. Thanks." He turned to Jane and gently handed her the baby. "Right Mary, look after your mummy!"

"Is the name you've chosen for her? Mary?"

Paul and Jane nodded.

"What a lovely name! So nice to hear the older names being used!"

"Thank you."

Paul leaned over and kissed Jane. "You rest and I'll be back later. I'll bring your mum too!"

"Thank you! She'll be dying to meet this little one!"

"And I give my dad and Mike a ring with the news too!"

They kissed once more then, somewhat reluctantly, Paul left his wife and daughter with the midwife.

He called in to the Asher's Wimpole Street house on the way home from the hospital. As he pulled up outside, he felt suddenly tired. Hopefully Margaret would feed him! He knocked. The door was opened by Margaret.

"Paul!" she exclaimed, "How's Jane and the baby? Any news?"

Paul walked into the hall way and closed the front door. He leaned over and gave his mother in law a hug. "Hello Grandma, you have a very beautiful grand daughter!"

"Oh fantastic!" Margaret was over the moon, "How's Jane? Was everything alright? What dioes she look like? What have you called her?"

"Margaret love," Paul interrupted, "Any chance of a brew and a bite? I've had nothing since last night! My stomach things my throats been cut!"

She laughed and lead the way into the kitchen. Paul sat down.

"Is Robert home?" he asked, "I can tell you both the news at the same time!"

"I'll get him!"

"Oh Margaret, would you mind if I ring my dad. I need to tell him before the press get a whiff of the news!"

"Go ahead!" 


Paul smiled as Margaret disappeared into her husband's study, her excitement about the new baby very apparent!

He dialed the familiar number and waited for it line to connect.

"Hello!" a cheerful voice called down the phone.

"Hiya Mike, it's me!"

"Hiya are kid! How's life?"

"Great thanks!" Paul grinned, "Is dad there Mike?"

"Yeah. I'll shout him!"

Paul could hear Mike shouting for their dad. Eventually Jim McCartney took the receiver.

"Hello Paul."

"Hello Grandad! How are you?"

There was a few seconds pause, giving Jim time to process the news. 

"Grandad? So Jane's had the baby? Congratulations!"

"Thanks dad."

"So, a girl or boy?" Jim asked.

"A little girl dad." He paused then, lowering his voice slightly, he continued, "We've called her Mary."

"That's lovely Paul. Really lovely. You're mum would have been so proud of you!"

"Thanks dad."

"How's Jane?"

"She's OK. Tired obviously but OK. Baby was born just after five this morning. I'm going back later this afternoon."

"Then give her my love and congratulations then Paul." said Jim softly, "And especially tell her how much I love the name you've both chosen. Thank her for that!"

"I will dad. Hopefully we'll get to see you and Mike soon and you can meet your grand daughter then!"

Father and son spoke briefly before the call ended. Returning the phone on the receiver, he went through to the kitchen to see Robert and Margaret.

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