Part 6

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Jane wiped her face. "Would you mind if I went up to bed now Cyn? I'm not really in a party mood."

Cyn nodded."I'll tell Paul that you're tired."

"Don't bother." said Jane sadly, "I don't think he'll even notice I've gone! Good night Cyn. Thanks for your support anyway"

Cynthia nodded and watched as Jane turned and walked upstairs. 


John was calling her.  She returned to the room where the party had quietened down. 

"I'm here!"

"What y'doing love?"

"Talking to Jane." She cast a glance at Paul.

"Where is Jane Cyn?" 

She looked at Paul. There was genuine concern in his eyes.

"She's gone up to  bed." She told him quietly, "She's tired."

He looked alarmed. "Is she Ok Cyn? She's not been herself lately."

Cyn shrugged. Paul caught her arm.

"What is it Cyn? Please, I know she's said something to you!"

Cynthia paused, aware that the room had gone quiet. 

"Please Cyn!" Paul pleaded again."Please!"

"OK." She sat down and looked at him. "Jane thinks you're messing around. Seeing other women." She shook her head, "She's devastated Paul! How could you do this to her? She's given up so much to marry you and she's carrying your baby! I thought you were a better man than that!"

There was a gasp from the other people in the room.

"WHAT!" Paul looked incredulous! "She thinks I'm messing around? NO! No! I'm not!"

Cyn shrugged again. "She's convinced Paul. And I have to say her reasoning behind it does sound pretty plausible!"

"But I'm not!" Paul pleaded once more."What has she said? I need to go and talk to her!"

"She thinks that because you've..."

"Actually Cyn, I know you mean well but I would prefer if the state of my marriage wasn't up for open discussion!" 

Paul swung around. Jane stood in the doorway dressed in a pair of his pyjamas that fitted over her bump and her hair loose around her face. She looked beautiful.

"Jane baby..." He walked towards her, "you've got me wrong! Please!"

She held up her hand, stopping him dead in his tracks. "Save your breath! I don't want to hear your excuses Paul! Be a man and admit it!"

"But I haven't been unfaithful to you love! I wouldn't!"

"You've done it before!"

Paul could feel the panic rising. He looked at the shocked faces of his friends.He could see that even they doubted him.

"Look, please sit down. Tell me what I've done to make you think this? Please Jane!" She sat in an empty chair. Paul knelt in front of her. "Talk to me!"

Jane opened her mouth but the shook her head and stopped.

"Please Jane! I don't want to loose you! I love you!"

She continued to shake her head.

"Perhaps I could explain for you Jane?" Cynthia offered quietly.

Jane paused before replying. "Fine!"

"Cyn?" Paul looked towards her.

"Jane believes that since you haven't made any sexual advances towards her for the last month or so that you must be getting it elsewhere."

He turned to Jane. "Is that true sweetheart?"

She nodded, tears already rolling silently down her face. He took her hand and,although she tried to pull away from him, he kept his link.

"The reason why I haven't suggested making love ISN'T because there's someone else Jane love. It's just that when I read in the book that when women reach your stage in pregnancy that sex can be painful, I didn't want to pressure you or hurt you." 

"Book? What book?"

"Not that bloody book again Paul!" declared John suddenly, "I warned you that book would do more harm than good. Babies are women's aren't supposed to read up on these things!"

Cyn nudged him. "Shhh!" She turned to Paul "What book Paul?"

"I can answer that Jane." said Rngo softly. "Paul?"

He nodded, grateful for any support.

"Jane,not long after you  both announced the pregnancy, Paul  was always asking me about what to expect. It drove me mad after a while so I gave him a book on pregnancy that the doctor had given Maureen when we were expecting Zak." He paused. "And I know he's been studying it in great detail."

Jane looked at Paul. "Is this true?"

He nodded. "I wanted to try to understand what you were going through and how you were feeling....especially because I knew the beginning you weren't very happy about being pregnant."

"Paul has been studying month by month diagrams of your baby's development Jane." continued Ringo, "Us lads, we've been getting detailed descriptions of what's new." He laughed. "Personally his enthusiasm for this baby is amazing Jane. He talks about you and it all the time. It's changed him. He's the one who wants studio sessions to end earlier and then he's off home. He doesn't come for a drink anymore. He wants to go home to you Jane love so I can't see Paul messing around on you and risking all this love."

"But what about the se...." she stopped and blushed. "You and me?"

"I can tell you the answer to that Jane!" said John, grinning widely despite the seriousness of the situation. "When we have a studio session Paul has some private time for necessary relief!"

"What?"Jane looked puzzled.

"It means that I don't just play the base left handed love." admitted Paul, his face flushed as John began to laugh. He lowered his voice and whispered "So that's why I've managed without you and me. I'm sorry for making you feel so bad!" He took her hand and kissed it. "I love you so much, please believe me!"

"I...I don't know what to say..." 

Paul gently shushed her. "It doesn't matter." he whispered softly, "As long as you believe me my love! I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I made you that promise!" He held his arms out to her and hugged her close.

"Why don't we go into the other room," said Cyn to the others, "give Paul and Jane some privacy?"

The others began to stand up. 

"Hang on!" said John. He approached the couple. "Paul mate, how about I get Antony to take you two home?"

Paul, still holding Jane, nodded gratefully to his friend and mouthed 'thanks.'

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