Part 42

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"Paul, things will be fine. Don't worry love!"

He nodded but still looked uneasy.

"What's wrong?"

"The press will start sniffing around and digging for dirt Jane. They start saying things. I'll be called all kinds of names, not that I care about that, but then they'll turn on you too love! They call you names too! They'll say you're a fool to take me back. I don't want them upsetting you or Mary."

"Paul, since when have I worried about the press? Seriously?  Let's face it, since being seen with you back in '63, they've made all kinds of comments and claims about the pair of us!" She gave him a swift hug, "Seriously Paul love, don't worry. I'm not."

"OK." He sounded doubtful.

Jane was worried. Paul had been very quiet all day. Quiet but jumpy too. The slightest sound in the house made him twitchy. Every few minutes he looked out of the window to see if there was anyone approaching the house. His walks with Martha were brief and not far from home. Then, once Mary was in bed, he went round the tiny house three times checking doors and windows were locked and safe.

"Paul love, relax. Please!" she pleaded, "There's no one out there. We're miles from most people."

He nodded. "I won't be a minute."

Jane watched in despair as Paul went back into the kitchen once more to check the door was locked. He finally sat down but remained edgy until Jane suggested they went to bed instead. She hoped that sleeping might make him relax!

Lying in bed, Jane listened carefully. Paul was still restless, he tossed sand turned. She heard him sigh deeply a few times.

"Paul?" she whispered in the darkness, "You OK?"

"Just having trouble sleeping." He whispered back. "Sorry I'm disturbing you. I'll go down."

"No! No, you're fine!" She reassured him, "Why don't you come for a hug? It might help you sleep."

"Thanks." He snuggled up to her and let her hold him.

"We'll be fine Paul. I love you." she whispered.

"And I love you Jane." He whispered back then kissed her softly.

"Sleep. OK?"

He yawned then nodded. "Night my love."

"Goodnight Paul."

"Night night Mummy. Night night Daddy." came a sleepy voice from the other side of the room, causing Paul and Jane to giggle to each other.

"Good night Mary. Mummy and daddy love you." said Paul softly.

Jane woke suddenly, not really sure why. She listened for a moment. Silence. Sighing, she shuffled in bed to try to resettle but then stopped. She had heard something! Sitting up, she peered into the dark. Paul's side of the bed was empty. He was sat on the edge of the bed.


"What?" He whispered.

"You OK?"

He didn't answer.



She immediately scrambled across the bed to him. "Paul, what's wrong?" 

Jane turned the bedside light on and looked at Paul's face. He was very pale but sweaty.

"Paul love, what's wrong?" she asked anxiously.

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