Part 29

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Margaret looked from Jane to Paul. She saw the colour drain from his face.

"Is this true Paul?" she asked in disbelief.

"Margaret, it isn't what Jane thinks!"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" yelled Jane angrily, suddenly shattering the shocked silence in the room. "I KNOW WHAT I SAW PAUL!"

"SHHHH!" Paul tried to take Jane's hand, "Ok, there was someone there...but it's not what you think!"

"Get off me!" she snarled, snatching her hand away. "What kind of fool do you think I am Paul? I know what I saw! I know who I saw!"

"Paul?" Margaret  spoke calmly, quietly, her voice a stark contrast to Jane's loud anger. "Is Jane right? Were you with someone else?"

Paul looked as the two women stared at him, one with green eyes full of fury, the other, shocked. He held their gaze for a few moments then simply nodded.

"You slept with another woman just because Jane was away for a few days? Your PREGNANT wife!?"

He nodded again.

"But Jane,  it meant not..."

"It mean't nothing!" Jane mimicked him using a pathetic. scornful voice, "Oh for God's sake Paul, don't give me that crap! If it meant nothing, why do it? If you were that desperate you could have had a wank! I was only away for 4 days!"

Paul swallowed. He opened his mouth to speak but, lost for words, he closed it again.

"I'm sorry Jane."

"That's it? You're sorry? I'm just supposed to say it's OK. I forgive you?" Jane looked at him, anger pouring from her and filling the room. "Well I've got news for you Paul, I'm not falling for your shit anymore. It's not just the other woman, that's bad enough but you've betrayed Mary and you've been a large part of the cause of this miscarriage! At this moment in time Paul I HATE you! I want nothing to do with you. As soon as I'm well enough I'm filling for a divorce. We're done! No more!"

"Jane love, please....there'll be no more. I promise."

"I don't care who you shag, live with or anything else anymore Paul. Our marriage was a complete farce. Well now it's over.You're free to screw whoever you want....I don't care anymore! Now go away and get out of my life!"

"Jane...if you'll just listen I can..."


 As Jane became hysterical, Margaret tried to calm her. This only succeeded in making her worse. Suddenly the door opened. Two nurses and a doctor came into the room.

"What on earth...."

The nurses rushed to Jane who was now sobbing. "Just make him go away! Please! GO AWAY! I don't want him here ever again!" 

As her hysteria began to grow once more the doctor gestured to Paul to leave the room. Although he protested but he knew he had little choice but to do as he was told.


 Paul walked in to the kitchen and sat down wearily. A cup of tea was handed to him. He looked up in to her deep blue eyes that had captivated him so much. He nodded his thanks.

"Can I ask how things are?"

"Jane's has lost the baby." A single tear rolled down his face.

"Oh Paul...I'm so sorry! I know how much the pregnancy meant to you."

He nodded. "And she knows about you."

She looked puzzled. "What?"

"Jane. She knows you're here."

"How? Who told her? We've been so careful not to be seen together!"

"Jane came to the house to surprise me for our wedding anniversary. When she came upstairs. she found us in bed together." Paul told her, his voice flat, expressionless.

"But that's good isn't it? I mean, we don't have to hide anymore. We can be a proper in public couple."

"I'm still a married man!"

"Yeah, but not for much longer, you said Jane wants a divorce."  She came round to him, slipping her arm around his shoulder and kissing his head. "You and me can be together properly. You said we were special together. Now we can be together!"

Paul lifted his head and looked up at her. She was beautiful, blonde sexy and gorgeous. Sexually very adventurous....wild even! But she wasn't Jane. Jane was beautiful, sexy but a real lady and a wonderful mum to Mary. Calm,gentle, loving... in fact he realised, she was perfect! Perfect but he'd betrayed her trust and broken her heart. He stood up, brushing he hands away.

"Paul?" She watched as he stood away from her. "What?"

"I think you should leave Emily."


"I want you to go. You shouldn't be here."

"You invited me! You paid for the damned air ticket!"

"I know... but I want you to leave now. The ticket is still valid."

"So that's it? You're sending me away?" 

He nodded.

"If you do that, that's it Paul. We're done!"

He nodded. That's fine."

She stared at him, angry and bitter. "You're a hard faced bastard Paul McCartney! I've given you seven fucking months of my life for this!"

"I'm sorry." Said Paul quietly, "Bit I never promised you anything."

"Sorry? That's it?"

"What else is there to say?

She shook her head then laughed. "I hope that Jane does see sense and divorces you for every penny you've got!" she said bitterly before picking up her bag and slamming out of the house. 

Paul heaved a sigh of relief. She was gone at long last, bow he had to focus on winning his wife and daughter back.

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