Part 35

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"I'm sorry," Paul wiped his face, "I know it was ridiculous to ask but I had to try! I'm sorry." He stood up. "Look, I'll collect my stuff together then get out of the way." He hesitated. "Do you think I should say good  bye to Mary or leave her settled?"

"I'd prefer you to leave her Paul," Jane gave him a weak smile, "It'll only upset her again. I'm sorry."

"I understand." Paul nodded. "Give her a kiss from me then."

Jane nodded. "I will."

Paul headed upstairs to collect his belongings. He reappeared a few minutes later.

"I'll be off then."

Jane nodded. "OK."


"Bye Paul."

He turned a walked down the hall. Jane followed him.


He turned. "Yes?"

"Anytime you want to see Mary, just ring. Even if it's every day. I don't mind. I know how much she loves seeing you."

"Thanks. Remember you can ring me if there's any problems."

"I know. Thanks."

Several weeks later.

Paul was growing increasingly depressed. Although he was able to see Mary regularly, he still missed both her and Jane terribly. Work was no longer a solace for him. In fact there were more tensions in the studio than there were between himself and Jane. Him and John were arguing. George had stormed off a few days before, blaming Paul for something, and was now saying he had quit the band. For Paul, his whole life was falling apart.

The following day he headed to the studio. George had been persuaded to come back after a grovelling apology from Paul. Paul kept his head down and tried not to upset anyone.  They were working on his song. Ringo was bored, waiting forever for the point when he would be needed. Paul began to talk about what he wanted. Ringo listened then played whilst Paul, head on one side, listened intently.

"No, not that!" He shook his head. "Try this instead." He hummed a rhythm he wanted.

Nodding, Ringo played again.

"Do it again."

Ringo played whilst George and John watched on.

Paul shook his head. "No, it's still not right!" He tutted, "Do it again, put more emphasis on the third beat!"

"Don't speak to me like that!" Ringo snapped. "I'm not a kid in school!"

"What? Just play the damn thing right then!" Paul snarled back.

"Sod this!" Ringo stood up, "I quit! Play your own fucking drums! I'm off to the pub. Fancy a drink George mate? " He calmly collected his jacket and walked out. George laughed then followed him.

Paul stared after both men, who ignored his calls to come back.

"Nice one Macca." said John, putting his guitar down, "You handled that with your trademark charm and people skills." he added sarcastically.

Paul scowled at his old friend.

"Well, I might go and join my mates. A pint sounds like a good idea!" He walked out, leaving Paul alone.

Completely dispirited, Paul collected his own belongings and headed home. His heart sank further as he let himself into the flat. He hated it even more than he had in the beginning. As he opened the door, unusually there was post waiting for him. Picking it up, he went through to the kitchen to get a drink.

Glass of whiskey in hand, he sat at the kitchen table and flicked through the post. Two were addressed to Ringo. Remembering the 'spat' earlier that day, he emptied his glass in one go and then refilled it. The third letter was in a crisp white formal looking envelope and addressed to him. Puzzled, he opened it. Several pieces of paper fell out. He studied the contents carefully. He felt his mood fall further. He placed the letter on the table and wiped the tears from his eyes before down his second glass and following it with a third. He might as drink himself into oblivion he decided... the band was falling apart and now, after receiving divorce papers from Jane's lawyers, could life get any worse. Realistically, he didn't think so.

Jane was worried. Paul hadn't arrived to see Mary as they had arranged. That was unheard of! He missed her constantly so he always turned up! She rang the flat but there was no answer. She decided he must be working so she would wait until later that day to see what was going on. 

By 9 pm she was no nearer working out why Paul hadn't turned up. She knew he could be out at a club or with a woman but it seemed unlikely. His behaviour since the miscarriage had been very different. Jane was becoming increasingly worried. Paul was quite depressed at the moment, she'd seen that herself. She also knew that he would have received the divorce papers from her lawyer by now. She tried the flat several more times  but was greeted by silence.

In desperation she called Ringo,John and George in turn only to be told he was being a complete arse and they had no idea where he was or what he was doing! She hung up after the final call and thought for a while. Placing the phone back in the receiver, she dialed a different number.


"Hello Jim, it's Jane."

"Hello love? How are you and that gorgeous granddaughter of mine?"

Jane smiled. She'd always loved Jim McCartney and he doted on Mary. "We're both good thanks Jim. How are you?"

"Getting along thanks love. Getting along."

"Good. Jim, is Paul with you?"

"Paul?" Jim sounded concerned. "No, I haven't heard from Paul for a few weeks. Is something wrong?"

"I don't know."Jane paused. "The thing is Jim, Paul's been a bit... a bit depressed. Since we split I mean. Anyway,we'd arranged time for him to see Mary but he didn't turn up. Jim, Paul never lets Mary down. He sees her a much as he can!"

"He's probably working Jane love."

"I've spoken to John, George and Ringo Jim. No one has seen him or knows where he is." Jane sound tears prickling her eyes. Her genuine concern for Paul surprised herself, especially after everything he had put her through. "Could he be with Mike?"

"That's a possibly Jane." Jim replied thoughtfully, "I'll get you his number love."

Jane wrote down the number then thanked Jim for his time.

"Jane love?"

"Yes Jim?"

"When you find him, will you let me know he OK?"

"Of course I will!" 

"And tell him I'm not really embarrassed by him. It'd be nice to see him over Christmas this year."

Later, Jane lay in bed. She couldn't sleep because she was still worried about Paul. Then she had an idea. Sitting up,she grabbed the phone from by the bed and dialed a number. It rang and rang.

"Answer it. Answer it." she muttered over and over.

Suddenly the phone at the other end was picked up then immediately slammed down.

Sighing with relief, Jane put the phone down. She'd found Paul at last.


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