Part 37

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Paul lay in bed. He could hear Mary's soft breathing close by him, her head turned his way. Lying on his side, he watched her in the twilight. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. He sighed.

"Paul?" Jane whispered.

"I thought you were asleep?"

She turned over and faced him. "I was falling asleep downstairs but now I've come to bed, I'm wide awake!"

"That's usually the way." He looked back at Mary. "Mary looks peaceful, doesn't she?"

Jane looked down and kissed Mary gently on the forehead. "She's a good sleeper, bless her. And she was very tired!"

"She looking more and more like you, you know." said Paul. "I really noticed it this evening.I think it's because I've not seen her for a while."

"Do you think? In her hair colouring she is, but she has the McCartney eyes and eyebrows. She's the double of you!"

"We did something good when we made her, didn't we?" said Paul softly.

"When I first found out I was pregnant, I didn't think so at the time," replied Jane, "But now, I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's amazing! I'm am very glad she happened Paul, despite the state of everything else between us now."

Paul didn't reply. Jane waited for a few moments, wondering if he'd fallen asleep now.




Still no reply.

She sighed deeply. "Good night Paul." she whispered, "I wish you'd tell me what's wrong and why you're here. I love you still."

Paul's eyes shot open at these words. She loved him? Did that mean there was hope for them? Then, remembering the divorce papers on the table at home and as silent tears rolled down his face, he pushed the idea firmly from his mind.

As Jane walked downstairs the following morning she couldn't help but notice how quiet the house was. Paul was clearly out and had taken Mary with him. Guiltily, the first thing Jane did was check the car was still there. Something told her to, convinced that maybe Paul had gone off with Mary. However, it was still exactly where she had let it, as was Paul's car. 

She walked into the kitchen and spotted a piece of paper propped up against the kettle. As she approached so saw it was a note from Paul.


It's now 8.30 am.

We're  taking Martha for her morning run on the beach.

Shouldn't be more than half an hour.

See you soon.

Paul and Mary."

She smiled as she saw how Paul had let Mary add a 'signature' of her own....her favourite drawing at the moment, a happy face she always said was herself.

Jane rummaged through the cupboards to see if there was anything she could use for breakfast. Apart from some porridge oats and a slightly stale loaf, they were bare. She set about making a pan of porridge and decided the bread would be fine toasted. She was just putting the finishing touches to a pot of tea and some milky hot chocolate for Mary when she heard a scratching on the door which heralded Martha's return. Jane let her in and then waited as the red faced wind swept pair who were her husband and daughter followed her in. 

"You look like it was cold down on the beach!" 

"It was," said Paul, "But this one loved it more than Martha! I think I've worn her out though!"

Paul helped Mary out of her coat then lifted her onto the chair by the table. Jane turned her attention to her daughter whilst Paul removed his own coat and boots and fed Martha.

"I made breakfast." Jane told him as he turned to face the pair, "Tuck in!"

"Oh wonderful! Thank you!" He began to eat hungrily.


"Yes Mary sweetheart."

"I went in the sea with Martha."

"Did you?" Jane smiled as Mary nodded. "Was it nice?"

"It was cold!" Mary told her solemnly, "My toes are very cold now mummy."

Jane touched her feet. "Your socks are wet too! Did you and daddy splash too much?" She pretended to frown at Paul as he giggled with Mary. "Naughty daddy!"

"Sorry mummy. Sorry Mary."

Mary continued to giggle as Jane found her dry sock and her slippers. "Feel better now?"

Mary nodded then yawned. She rubbed her face sleepily.

"You're right!" she told Paul, "You have worn her out!"

Jane settled Mary on the makeshift sofa and covered her with a blanket. She made sure the fireguard was in place and, leaving Martha snoozing on guard duty, returned to the kitchen.

"You OK Paul?" She noticed that he looked very deep in thought.

"I was thinking this morning, on the beach with Mary, she loved it! It's so beautiful here. Wouldn't it be an amazing place for her to grow up? No press or fans. An ordinary life and then off to the village school."

Jane smiled. "Sounds delightful but not much use when the rest of your life is London based."

"Not for much longer!" The smile slipped from his face, 

"What's that supposed to mean? Why won't your life need to be in London?"

"I'm leaving the band."

"WHAT?" She laughed. "And I'm the Queen of England!" She looked at him. "You mean it, don't you?"

He nodded slowly.

 "Paul, what's happened? This isn't you. Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Paul, if anyone knows you, it's me! I know how much the lads mean to you, what being in the band means to you. I don't get it." She reached over and took his hand. "Paul love, just because I can't trust you enough to live as husband and wife it doesn't stop me caring about you. I still love you. First you don't turn up for Mary, then you head up here without telling anyone and then  saying you're leaving the band. What's wrong? Please, talk to me."

"It's fine. I'm OK." He stood up and began to refill the kettle.

"Paul, stop." Jane stood next to him. She took the the kettle from his hands and then looked at him deep in the eyes. "Talk to me. Please, just talk to me."

"Leave it Jane." He turned away.

"NO!" She made him face her, "Look, I've told you I still care about you. You're always going to be Mary's dad. If there's something affecting you this badly you're talking about quitting the band then it'll affect your relationship with Mary. PLEASE!" Tears rolled down her face. 

"OK, OK, OK! You win! Let's talk!"

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