Part 11

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It was in the early hours of the 15th January that Jane realised her labour had started. Fighting the urge to panic, she shook Paul awake.

"Paul, it's happening! The baby!"

He sat bolt upright, panic on his face. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know ...I'm not sure! Arrggh! That hurts!"

Paul left out of bed and called Rose. She came hurrying into the room and immediately sat with Jane. After talking to her to find out what was happening, she turned to Paul.

"Right, both of you, don't panic!" She smiled at the worried couple, "Jane has some time yet before the baby will be born. First things first, ring the hospital."

Paul dialed the number then spoke to someone. "They need to speak to you love."

He watched anxiously as Jane listened then answered some questions. Then, after thanking them, she handed to phone back to Paul.


"They said stay at home for as long as I can stand the pains then come in."

"Seriously!  You don't need to go in straight away?"

Jane shook her head. 

"Paul, that's perfectly normal. First babies especially can take some time to arrive. Jane will be more comfortable at home." She smiled at the young woman, "Now then love, moving around helps with the pains, so does a nice bath. What do you want to do?"

"I...I don't know." She was close to tears.

Paul went to her and put his arms around her. "Do you want me to ring your mum?"

She looked at him. "You won't mind?"

"No! Anything that helps you Jane my love! Anything!" He kissed her on the forehead, "Shall I ring her?"

She nodded. "Please."

Margaret watched as Paul helped Jane as the pain grew stronger and more regular. She was impressed by how he let Jane squeeze his hands with each pain or how he  held her when she wanted to move around. She watched. He was focused entirely on Jane, whispering endearments and encouraging her all the time. Margaret could see that, despite his fault, Paul clearly loved her daughter very much. Suddenly Jane gave an enormous groan and the room was filled with the  sound of water spilling on to the floor.

"MUM! What's happening!?"

"It's OK love!" Her mother called, "It's perfectly normal! But it does mean it's time to go to the hospital though!"

Paul helped Jane down the stairs and into the hall. Margaret followed, carrying the hospital bag then stood with her daughter as Paul brought the car round. Then, Margaret stood with Rose, waving and calling good luck as Paul drove away from the house.

"How are you feeling love?" he asked as they paused at a traffic light.

"OK!" She winced. "The pains are getting stronger now though!"

"We'll soon be there! Don't worry!" He restarted the engine and continued on the journey.

It didn't take long to reach the hospital and, as it was just before dawn, parking was easy. Paul helped Jane into the maternity unit. A stern looking nurse took the case off him and told him to come back after a phone call telling him the baby had arrived.

"NO! NO!" Jane called, beside herself in panic, "Paul don't go! You said you'd stay with me! The doctor said you could!"

Paul hurried after her. "I'm coming with you now love!"

The nurse stopped and looked him up and down. "Fathers are not allowed in the delivery room unless your wife is a private patient! And THEN only if the doctor allows it!"

"SHE IS A PRIVATE PATIENT!" Paul snapped and then put is arm around Jane. "Now show me where there's a damned doctor or midwife!" He was furious at how the woman had upset Jane.

They followed the nurse into a pleasant side room. "A midwife will be with you shortly." she told them before leaving them alone.

Jane sat down on the bed and groaned.

"What is it love?" Paul hovered around her, trying to think of something to help her.

"The pains are really strong and really fast!" Jane looked up at Paul."Get someone Paul, I can feel the baby coming!"

Suddenly the door opened and a midwife dressed in a smart blue uniform came in.

"Hello, you must be Jane." she went over to Jane and helped her take her coat off."Let's get you settled on the bed and see what's happening with baby shall we?" 

She closed the screen around the bed and quickly examined Jane. She emerged from around the curtain and beamed at Paul.

"Well Daddy," she announced, "Not long now. Baby is almost here!"


She nodded. "So what we need you to do is go and sit at the head of the bed and hold Jane's hand. Let her know you're there because I know she's scared!" She gave him a warm smiled. "She'll be much happier with you beside her! OK?"

Paul smiled back and went to Jane. She was breathing deeply and blowing out to help with the pain like the midwife had shown her. Paul was pleased that she seemed calmer helped him feel calmer too. He watched how Jane and the midwife talked and worked together on her breathing and the positions she stood or lay in.

"I NEED TO PUSH!" Jane yelled suddenly, "It's coming! I can feel it!" 

Paul stood and watched as Jane slowly pushed their baby into the world. He could feel every effort she used to deliver the baby and he was overwhelmed when Jane lay back on the bed and the sound of crying filled the room.

"Well done!" He heard the midwife say, "You have a fine healthy little girl ! Congratulations!" After wrapping baby in a soft blanket, she handed her to Jane. Paul stood back a little, unsure what was going to happen next.

"Come and meet your daughter!" The midwife smiled at him and gestured him over.

Paul came to the head of the bed. As he looked down her saw his daughter for the first time. He could see the soft downy head with a tint of red hair, clearly inherited from her mother.  The baby was nestled in Jane's arms, taking her first feed from her mother's breast. He was stunned by the emotions that hit him like a train! Totally overwhelmed. He leaned over and kissed Jane.

"Oh sweetheart, she's amazing, like you! Thank you so much!"

Jane looked up at him, her face still flushed from the delivery.  "You don't mind that she's a girl do you?" she looked worried. 

"What difference does it make my love? She's our baby and she's beautiful!"

"Shall we let daddy hold baby for a moment Jane?" asked the midwife softly, interrupting them,  "Just whilst I check you over and make you more comfortable."

She took the baby from Jane and showed Paul how to support the head before returning her attention to Jane.

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