Part 30

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Paul picked up the phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Hi Dad."

"Hello Paul!" Jim was surprised, "This is very unexpected son. Is everything alright with the family?"

Family! The words hit Paul like a punch in the stomach. Jane and Mary were the family he said he'd always wanted ... yet he'd thrown it all away like a fool! He throat constricted as he fought the threatening tears.

"Paul? You still there?"

"Yeah...sorry dad. I'm afraid I've got some bad news."


"It's Jane and the baby dad.... she's miscarried." Paul began to cry. "But it's all my fault!"

"Oh Paul...that's terrible but these things happen! If your mum was here she'd be able to explain why?"Jim paused, "It can't be your fault son."

"It was dad. She had a car crash."

"Were you driving? Are you and Mary alright?"

"Dad, Jane found me in bed with another woman. She went mad and drove off then crashed."



"Paul, you disgust me! "

The line went dead.

Paul put the phone down, the shame of his actions now hitting home. Why had he been such a fool? The shrill sound of the phone ringing broke the silence, making him jump.


"Paul, it's Margaret."

"Hello. How's Jane?"

"She's fine."

"I'm glad. Please tell her I asked about her. Tell her I am sorry." He paused. Paul could hear Mary chattering in the background. "Can I say hello to Mary please?"

"Of course you can! She is your daughter Paul but before you do I need to tell you something."

"Go on."

"Firstly Jane is adamant she wants you to stay away from her in hospital. Please respect that."

"But what if there's any change in how she is?" urged Paul, concerned, "I'll want to know."

"I'll ring you with any developments but just assume no call means she and Mary are fine." 

"Ok." Paul sighed deeply. he knew he had little choice but to agree at this moment in time. " Is there anything else?"

"There were some reporters at the hospital when I was leaving today. They know Jane's in there. They'll need some kind of statement."

"I'll deal with that. I'll keep it brief and discrete and tell them to leave you and her alone."

"Good. One minute." Paul heard Margaret calling Mary to the phone. "Here she is."

"Hello Mary. It's Daddy!"

"'Lo Daddy!"

"Are you having a nice time at Grandma's?"

"Want mummy." Paul heard the quiver of tears in Mary's voice. "Mary come to my house daddy!" She began to cry.

Margaret took the phone from Mary. "I need to go Paul. She's tired. Bye."

"Margaret WAIT!"


"Why don't I take Mary off your hands? Then you can focus on Jane?"

"I don't know Paul....under the circumstances..."

"Margaret, she's my daughter too!" Paul was angry. "I'll be around at 10 am tomorrow. Have her ready!"

"Paul, look..."

"Good bye Margaret."

 He hung up.

He went upstairs to his bedroom. The bed was a tousled mess from the last sex session with Emily. The memory made him feel sick and dirty now! He stripped the bed of all the bedding and changed the sheets. He fell into bed, exhausted and, despite his emotional state, fell asleep quickly. He awoke just before dawn and couldn't go back to sleep. Wearily he showered and dressed before sneaking out to take Martha for a walk. 

He arrived back just after 8 am. After making sure Martha was settled he went back out to the car and made the short journey to the Asher's house. He knocked. A weary looking Margaret opened the door.

"You're early! She's not ready!"

"Margaret, I was totally unreasonable yesterday. I've come to say sorry. Look, if you think it's necessary, check with Jane before I take Mary." He smiled at her, "Although looking at you,  I'd say Miss Mary didn't settle last night and you and Rob could no doubt do with a break from the little monster!"

Margaret laughed. "You're right!" Her face became serious again, "Jane's scared you'll take Mary and keep her from her."

"WHAT?" Paul was shocked at the clearly very low opinion his wife had of him, "I'd never do that to her! I know I've caused her enough heartache, I won't hurt her any more - at least not intentionally. My concern is always for Mary's welfare Margaret. Especially now Jane and I will be caring for her apart from each other. I don't want to loose contact or my relationship with my daughter"

Margaret nodded. Despite his failings as a husband, she accepted Paul was a good father who cared deeply for Mary.

"How about you come in and be with Mary whilst Robert and I visit Jane. Stay here today and then I'll talk to Jane about you taking her home until she's discharged."

"Thanks Margaret!" Paul smiled gratefully, "Can I go to her now?"

Margaret smiled. "Go on...the little monster is in the kitchen!"

She watched as Paul virtually ran to the kitchen. He paused in the doorway.

"Mary!" His voice was quiet and warm.


Paul scooped Mary up from her chair. Margaret felt tears prick her eyes as the twosome hugged each other hard. 

"Why daddee gone?" asked Mary suddenly.

"Daddy was busy sweetheart."

"With Unca John?"

Paul smiled."Yes, with Uncle John. But daddy is home now and is going to stay with Mary all the time."

"At my house?" Mary looked at Paul expectantly, "With mummy too?"

"Mummy is busy at the moment. Daddy and Mary will play at Grandma's house today. Is that OK?"

"But I want my mummy." Mary began to cry.

"Hey, come on. Daddy's here." Paul soothed his daughter. He looked over her shoulder at Margaret, "I know, why don't we draw mummy a nice picture then we can send it to her."

"Tell mummy to come home?" Mary asked in a teary voice. "Want mummy!"

"Yes sweetheart. We'll ask mummy to come home."

"Want mummy and daddy and Mary's house." Mary told him, then clung to her father and continued to cry.

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