Part 15

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Paul looked at her. Jane could see the hurt in his face.

"You think that because I've brought you flowers, that I've done something bad?" He shook his head sadly, "If you're interested,so far today I got Mary breakfasted and ready whilst you had a lie in. Then I was in the studio by 10. We've laid down 5 tracks so far. Then on my way home I called into see your mum. You'll be getting a phone call at some point. I've asked her to arrange a day out, just you and her, to give you a break from Mary and the house. I'll baby sit. Then I bought the flowers because I love you and wanted to show you that with a very simple gesture." He shrugged then turned away.

Jane watched him walk away then looked at the flowers in her arms. They were beautiful.... he'd chosen her favourite blooms too. She felt terrible.


He didn't turn around, instead he headed upstairs. She ran after him and followed him into their bedroom.


He turned. "What now? I've told you about the day. It's up to you if you believe me!"

She walked over to him. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. What I said, it was horrible!" Then,to his amazement she reached up and kissed him. "And the flowers are beautiful, than you!"

Although he'd been hurt by her comments, the pleasure of having her kiss him was overpowering. He slowly put his arms around her and gently kissed her again. She responded with the oh so familiar passion they used to share, Paul felt himself harden and instinctively press himself against her as their kiss deepened. To his surprise Jane didn't pull away. She continued to kiss him, her breathing showing she was enjoying this as much as him. She  began to unbutton his shirt whilst still kissing him.

"This is nice." she whispered softly.

He nodded then began to lead her towards the bed. Jane hesitated.

"What about Mary?"

"You said she's asleep."

Jane nodded then let him kiss her again, his tongue probing and exploring her mouth. The phone rang. Inwardly Paul groaned, hoping it would stop. It did.

"Jane! Jane love!" It was Rose.

Jane hesitated. 

"Jane! Your mum is on the phone!"

"You'd better go and and speak to her." said Paul, giving her one last kiss and sighing. 

"I'm sorry about this Paul."

"Don't worry."

They shared a deep passionate kiss once more then, giving his hand a loving squeeze, she headed down stairs. Paul sat on the bed, aware of the uncomfortable bulge in his trousers. Tempted as he was to sort himself out, he decided that since things between himself and Jane were looking promising, he'd wait for later.

Jane was in the kitchen giving Mary her tea when Paul came down stairs. Jane grinned at him.

"That was mum." she told him as he sat down opposite his wife and daughter.

He nodded.

"We've suggested Friday for our day but I told mum I'd ring her back and confirm. I wanted to make sure the day was right for you work wise."

"Friday's fine love," he smiled,"You go and enjoy yourself!"

"Are you sure you'll be alright with Mary on your own all day Paul?"

"Of course we will, won't we Miss Mary?" He gently ruffled Jane's hair on the way past."Love you!" He whispered in her ear.

"Where are you going?"

"I wanted to ask Rose something. I won't be long then I'll serve our food. OK?"

"Thanks!" She turned her attention back to Mary.

Rose was about to sit in front of the television with a cup of tea when she heard a knock on the door between the main house and her flat. Placing her cup back on the table, she went to open it.

"Paul? Everything alright love? I've left your tea ready for you!"

Paul smiled at the woman who was a mixture of a mother and a friend to him. "I know you have Rosie my love and thanks for that."

"Well Jane's had a rough day with little Mary. Teething! It's hard on baby and parents!"

"Actually it's Jane I wanted to talk to you about."


"Well Jane's pretty knackered at the moment as you know so I was wondering whether you'd mind seeing to Mary in the night if we don't hear her immediately?"

"I can sleep in her room if you want?" Rose offered. "That way you two can both get some peace and quiet."

"Are you sure?"

She smiled at him."I love that little girl like my own Paul, you know that! I love helping out with her!"

Paul couldn't believe his luck. A whole night with Jane... uninterrupted!

"Rose, you're an angel! A positive ANGEL!" He gave her a hug and kissed her soundly on the cheek. "They'll be a pile of extra cash in your wages this week!"

"Don't be daft!"

Grinning like a fool, Paul made his way back to Jane.

"Ready for food now love?"

"Please! I'm starving!" she handed Mary a toy, "I didn't get any lunch thanks to this one today!"

Paul came to the table with two plates and then collected some buttered crusty rolls from the side. 

"This is delicious!" said Jane appreciatively! "Rose is such a love to cook for us when we need her to!" She pulled some crust off her bread and gave it to Mary. The child began to gnaw on it with the sore gums that had plagued her all day. "I'm hoping this one might have worn herself out today so we can get some sleep!"

"Why don't you," said Paul softly, "go and have a relaxing bath... take your time. I'll settle Mary then we can have an 'early night.' He placed a slight inflection on the words 'early night' so Jane had no illusion as to what Paul had in mind.

She thought back to earlier that evening in the bedroom .... she was very tempted but ... She swallowed and looked at Paul's face. 

"That sounds lovely Paul but what if Mary wakes up?"

"I've already asked Rose to keep an ear out."He grinned.

"WHAT!!" She was appalled. "You've asked Rose to sort Mary out just so you can have a shag? No Paul!"

"Jane, it wasn't..."

She stood up, furious, she scooped Mary up from her high chair. "Sometimes Paul, you really go too far!" 

Leaving him speechless, she stormed out of the room!

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