Part 32

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The phone rang whist Paul was playing with Mary. She perched on his knee, watching him, as he answered.


"Paul, it's Margaret."

"Oh hello. How's Jane?"

"She's being discharged tomorrow. She wants you to collect her."


"She doesn't want it to look odd if you're not there. Appearances Paul. She wants to keep her intentions to divorce you private for along as possible."

"OK." His heart sank further than ever. 

"Can you collect her then? 11am?"

"Of course....what about Mary?"

"I assumed she'd go with you. The whole united family image."

"That's fine. Erm Margaret?"


"Where I am bringing her to. Your house or here?"

"For some ridiculous reason she's intending to go back to your marital home." Paul could hear the contempt in her voice. "OK. Don't forget 11 am tomorrow." She hung up.

Paul sighed. Although he couldn't really blame her, Margaret's attitude towards him made him sad.

The following morning, hand in hand with Mary, Paul walked into Jane's hospital room.

"Hi." he said awkwardly, hovering by the door.

She gave him a brief smile and began to make a fuss of Mary, telling the little girl her mummy was coming home. Mary's delight was very clear when just 15 minutes later she walked out of the hospital with her mum and dad on either side of her. As expected there was a collection of reporters always keen for a story and a picture as usual. However the three simply walked to the car without commenting and, after making sure Mary was settled with Jane, Paul drove them home.

He carried the bags through to the house and placed them at the bottom of the stairs. He looked uneasy.



"I didn't know until late yesterday that you intended to come back here from the hospital."


"So I haven't organised somewhere to live yet. I'm going have to stay here for the time being."

Jane smiled. "Actually Paul, I was hoping that you'd stay around for a few days at least."

"Oh?" Paul couldn't hide his surprise.

"Just while I find my feet. I still feel a bit ..." she stopped and shrugged. "I guess I also think it would be better for Mary to have the both of us around after all the upheaval. Is that OK?"

"Thanks Jane." Paul returned the smile. "Shall I put the kettle on. You go and sit down. You've still got to take things easy remember."

She nodded then, calling for Mary to go with her, she left Paul to his thoughts.

By the end of the week Paul, conscious that Jane didn't want him around all the time after what had happened, was ready to move out. Bags finally packed, he told Jane of his intentions.

"Where are you going to be living?" Jane asked, "Just so  that I know for Mary."

"Ringo said I can have his old flat for a short while. Just while I find some where more permanent."

"Will you be on your own or..." her voice tailed off. "Look, i don't care only matters because of Mary."

"I'm completely on my own Jane love. There's no one in my life except you and Mary."

Then after he handed Jane a piece of paper with a phone number on, he kissed Mary good bye, he picked up his bag and walked through the front door. 

"Bye Paul."

He turned to say goodbye only to find that the door had been firmly closed behind him, leaving him with no other option than to leave his family behind.

That first night in Ringo's flat,  Paul had lay in the unfamiliar bed on his own. Nothing in the room was his. After tossing and turning, he decided couldn't sleep. Exhausted but fed up, he got up and wandered through to the small living room. He picked up his guitar... his one comfort. He looked at the one photograph he had packed of himself, Jane and Mary smiling together. He wondered if they were coping any better than he was. 

 Paul hated living alone in the flat. It was official!! Apart from his few clothes, the photograph and a guitar, there was nothing there familiar to him. He spent as long as he could at the studio, even long after the band sessions had ended. Although George, John and Ringo were shocked and appalled by what Paul had done, they were still supporting him emotionally. They knew he deeply regretted his actions and the resulting fall out. He was after all, their greatest friend and brother. 

Three weeks after he had left, Jane wasn't any happier than Paul. Day time was fine. Sharing time with Mary, her parents and having Rose helping out three days a week was working out well.  However, night time was HELL! Cavendish Avenue was an old house that creaked and groaned like she had never noticed before. Poor Jane would lie awake, terrified that the noises weren't the house, but intruders. She didn't feel safe there without Paul or even Rose living in. As a result Jane became worn out and stressed. This was unintentionally passed on tho Mary who, being a small child, cried incessantly, day and night.

It didn't take long for fans to find out there had been changes at Cavendish Avenue. Speculation and gossip abounded and immediately press harassment became a major problem for Jane and Paul.

Could life get any worse for the couple? 

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