Chapter 12

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After the school day was I over, I greeted Shay by our lockers.

"What happened to you two?" She asked with wide eyes & a curious tone in her voice.

"The usual," I mocked Mr.Champson's words while rolling my eyes, "'Be nice to each other, no fighting during school, don't be violent', blah blah blah. But we aren't aloud to sit with each other at the same table in chemistry anymore."

Shay laughed quietly, "Wow. Who knew the class flirt & the brain of the class would go at each other like that."

"Pfff, that kid is a nuisance," I smirked while throwing my books into my locker with a loud thud.

"I'll talk to you later, I have to go to..." I lowered my voice & rolled my eyes as I said the dreadful word, "therapy."

Shay patted my shoulder, "I'll pray for you."

I gave her a half smile before turning on the heels of my boots & walking towards the exit of the school. I stood outside & spotted Austin's white Honda.

When I hopped in, I was greeted with a smile & a simple hello. We made small talk during the ride & actually made the time less awkward then it had been the last few days.

When Austin pulled up to a peculiar building I realized we had arrived at our destination. "Your mom should be inside," he informed me as I stepped out of the vehicle.


"See you later kiddo."

"See ya," I sighed before closing the car door.

I walked up the short distance to the front door of the building & slowly opened it. I had an extremely awkward & uneasy feeling as I stepped into the large lobby of the building.

There was a middle aged women sitting behind a desk with her eyes glued to a book that seemed to interest her. The rest of the room was filled with several coffee tables & chairs.

The placed seemed pretty fancy, way more class than any place I've been in before. I quietly walked over to an empty chair & took a seat, guessing my mother was in her session.

I set my bag down on the chair next to me & looked through several magazines that had been placed on the coffee table in front of me. After looking through the stack & finding nothing to interest me, I looked around the room.

Mostly women who looked to be in their mid-twenties were conversing with each other as well as taking up a fourth of the room while a small portion of older men & women sat quietly for their session.

A few minutes passed of me tapping my fingers against the arm of the surprisingly comfortable before a door opened & my mother walked out.

"Madison?" A male voice called out.

I stood up & met with a man who looked to be in his late twenties, early thirties. My mother walked back to the seat I was in after patting me on the shoulder. I walked into yet another large room filled only with a chair, coffee table, & a couch.

"Have a seat," the man smiled as he showed me to the couch.

I sat down with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. My eyes searched the room & examined the detailed of every little thing I could make out.

"I'm Dr.Wilson," he said holding out his hand for me to shake, catching my attention.

I politely shook his hand & said with a small smile, "I'm Madison."

Dr.Wilson first started out with me telling him about my younger years. I wasn't real comfortable with telling a stranger with a degree the details of my life but told him anyways.

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