Chapter 19

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"Sure," I smiled up at Walker as I placed my hand in his.

He led me to an opening in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other couples who swayed back & forth to the song. I was familiar with the slow tune of the song & continued to smiled at the thought of how perfect this was going to be.

Walker placed his hands gently on my hips while I entwined my hands together behind his neck. We swayed back & forth, gazing into each other's eyes while sharing a smile.

'Tell him' I shrugged off the voice in the back of my head & tried to keep my mind focused on Walker & only Walker.

It felt quite peculiar dancing. The only time I actually danced with another human being was with Niall in the elevator the night that we .... The night at the hotel.

I soon began to uncontrollably think about Niall. The way his bright blue iris' would sparkle in the light or how his lips formed the most adorable smile when we were together. The familiar scent of his cologne was still left on the shirt he'd given to me. I love that smell. I love that smile. I love those eyes. I love everything about that boy.

No. Stop thinking of Niall. Walker. Walker. Walker. Think about who you are here with. Walker.

I snapped back into reality & smiled at the attractive boy standing in front of me. He was a charmer, just not as charming as... No. I will not think of him anymore tonight, I will only think of Walker.

"You look really beautiful tonight," Walker spoke, breaking the not so awkward silence.

"Thank you," I blushed.

He smiled even more as my cheeks turned a bright pink.

'Tell him now. You have to tell him sometime, how about now' I mentally cursed at my thought.

After several seconds of thinking, I realized the best thing to do was tell him.

"Walker," I began.

"Yeah, Madison?"

I looked away from his eyes as I said, "I need to tell you something."

He raised an eyebrow as he asked, "Yeah? And what's that?"

I sighed, like always, & took a small step closer to him as I whispered, "I'm-uh- I'm sorta-uh- kinda pregnant."

His expression changed for a moment, I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad expression but it was something alright. I had my head down, waiting for him to give me an appalled look & walk away, but instead, he lifted up my chin with his thumb & index finger.

My eyes met his as he continued to keep the same, comforting smile on his face, "What's with the frown?"


He chuckled, "Why do you look so sad Madison? It's a bit shocking, yeh, but why should it matter? You're a cool girl to hang out with, I'm not going to think differently of you just because you're going to have a baby."

I cocked a brow at him, "You won't?"

"No, of course not."

"Oh," I formed a smile on my face.

Whoa. That was better than I thought it'd be. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe he's just saying that to make me feel better but on the inside he's trying to think of an excuse to leave.

I don't know what to think of at this moment. All I know is he says it's alright, I guess. He doesn't look appalled or horrified by it, maybe he's just good at acting like he's fine? Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

Fifteen and Expecting (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now