Chapter 42

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Niall's POV

I stared out the window, watching the evening rain pour against the earth. The weather outside matched the emotions held within me: dark & depressing.

"What do you think she's doing right now?" I asked the boys.

I wasn't expecting an answer, they usually ignored my pity parties or wouldn't even notice I had said a single word.

"She's probably off to the beach, hanging out with a few friends, possibly meeting up with her new hunk of a boyfriend she found to take her mind off the one night st-"

"Louis, please," Harry snapped, giving his boyfriend a rock solid look of disapproval.

"What? He asked didn't he?"

"Don't be such an asshole to him."

"Well maybe he shouldn't drag on & on about this girl who he's never going to see ev-"

"Can you keep your goddamn opinions to yourself just for once? Jesus, Lou."

My eyes continued to stare out the window, gazing out into the darkness of the night, as I felt a pat on the back from Liam, "Don't worry about him. He's just having one of those days again."

"I get it," my head nodded, a sigh released from between my lips.

All I could think about was her. Everything about Madison continued to pop up in my head every second. This depression that's taking over me is because I lost someone so special; so important to me. It's like someone ripped half of my heart, leaving me left feeling somewhat empty.

None of the guys would understand how I felt. Liam has Sophia, Zayn has Perrie, and Harry & Louis, well, they have each other. There's no need for them to feel this agony, they haven't experienced anything like this. Yeah, Liam was down in the dumps after him & Danielle split but he found someone to make him happy.

My someone is a teenage girl who I'll never see again. I just wish I would've done something to keep her, my body wouldn't feel so dead if I had.

"During the tour, when we have a show near where you met her, we'll have people search for her or ask around a bit, alright?" Zayn offered.

"Yeah, sure," I shrugged, knowing even if we tried we still wouldn't find this gorgeous girl.

It'd be a miracle to find her, but an enchantment for me to see my princess again.

Madison's POV

We finally had everything unpacked & were settled in. The resort we were staying at was a wonderland! There were so many activities & events to attend throughout day & night. Everyone was so nice, offering to carry my bags or help with anything (a little more than others due to the infant growing inside of me).

Johnny & I shared a room with two separate twin beds, obviously his mom & step dad wouldn't let us sleep in the same bed. It wasn't like we would try to do anything though, I mean I highly doubt Johnny could lay on top of me with my stomach bulging out. I'd probably scare him away with all the stretch marks anyways. But they just want to be on the safe side.

Which is why Niko & the whore were in separate rooms.

"What do you want to do?"

"Anything you'd enjoy," Johnny smiled, folding several shirts before placing them in a drawer of one of the dressers.

"Wanna go to the lobby? I heard the hot cocoa there is amazing," I suggested.

"Sounds great," he chuckled before helping me up off the bed.

I was in that stage where sitting & lying down took so much energy to get back up. Along with how my feet would begin to hurt after so much walking or standing. It sucked, it really did, but it's from my own stupidity. Not only was it a bother having to move any muscle in my body, but finding clothes to wear was a hard task.

There really were some cute clothes at most of those maternity stores but going in there was so awkward. Shay dragged me in, telling me everything would be okay. The employees were nice (of course they'd be, they're trying to sell me as much as they could), it was the customers who were rude.

Yes, I understand I am too young to conceive a child but no need for the harsh glares & quiet whispers. I ended up just buying pants from there & getting my regular band t-shirts just a size or two larger than usual.

Johnny's hand found mine, entwining our fingers as we walked to the elevator. As the doors closed, I rested my head against his shoulder. Closing my eyes, I thought about the time at the hotel when Niall & I had our little dance. The way he tried to teach me, in an elevator, was the most adorable thing.

A small part of me somewhat wished it was Johnny with me that evening. That it was him who was lying on top of me. Things would be less complicated if it were someone not so well-know; someone I could actually see & touch without a hassle.

"Tired?" He asked, cupping my face with his hand to gently rub the pad of his thumb over my cheek.

"A bit," I shrugged.

"Maybe if you warm up a bit you'll gain energy?"

"Idiot, being warm will make me even more tired," I giggled, easing the seriousness of the comment.

"Mhmm, sure," Johnny laughed before grabbing my hand, pulling me out of the elevator after the doors had opened on the first floor.

Hand in hand, Johnny & I searched through the main lobby in seek of the hot cocoa parlor. Of course, having to be easily shown that I was six months pregnant, I received several odd looks from guests. Then there were the teenage girls asking when I was due, what was the gender, what were some name options, blah blah blah.

The worst part was when a group of girls had to exclaim how cute mine & Johnny's baby would be, little did they know the adorable boy holding my hand hasn't been anywhere near between my legs. I felt bad for the girls but it wasn't their fault they hadn't been informed on the background of how the child was conceived.

My heart sank for Johnny though. I could easily tell the comment killed him in a way. More of a 'I wish I were the father' than a 'I wish she wasn't pregnant at all' way. Instead of making the girls feel bad & telling them how wrong they were, Johnny just smiled & said thanks before pulling me towards the hot cocoa parlor.

"I'm so sorry," I had made sure the girls were out of ear distance before apologizing.

"Hmm?" He raised a brow.

"You know 'hmm'."

"Madds," he groaned, obviously not in the mood to talk about it.

"Johnny, I could tell you weren't okay with it."

"Well, I don't know how anyone is okay with their girlfriend having someone else's kid."


I closed my eyes & took a breath, before deciding to turn back.

"Maddie," Johnny pulled me back toward him, having me press tight against his body as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I didn't mean it like that," he bowed his head, leaning his forehead against mine, "I'm sorry, beautiful."

"I shouldn't have brought it up," my words were a mere mumble.

"You should know that I'm one hundred percent okay with it. It happened before we did, there's nothing wrong with that."

I nodded, the tips of my fingers playing with the small curls at the nape of his neck as he continued.

"I'll do anything to make you happy, you're what makes my day."

My eyes glanced up into his, my voice soft as I spoke, "Really?"

He chuckled, "Really."

(I'm so sorry, I haven't updated in FOREVER! I've been really busy with school, basketball, & several incidents happening. I hope to update more often. But thank you for all of the reads! I'm so thankful for all of you guys☺)

Fifteen and Expecting (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now