Chapter 38

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"I'm sorry, Ash," I frowned from the thought of him being hating on over nothing.

"It's alright. No need to apologize, it's not like you're apart of the people who've done this."

I nodded, wondering what to say next. For five minutes, it was complete silence between the two of us. Not a word spoken, the only sound was of the voices of the public that surrounded us.

I took a moment to admire how magnificent Ashton was. Not only was he attractive but he was also the sweetest guy you'd meet. All I could think about was how generous & humble he was. He doesn't like himself from the lies that people exclaim at him yet he's absolutely perfect in every way.

If I hadn't fallen in love with Niall, I sure as hell would have with Ashton. If I were with Ashton, we wouldn't be in this situation. Because of how he is, I know for sure Ashton wouldn't have had sex with me after only three months. That does sound like a short period of time but when people are in love, which I am sure I was, it doesn't matter.

All they want to do is be so close to that person that they have a fondness for. They want to hold them or be held so tight; they want to feel the love through small, simple actions. That was Niall & I before all this chaos. We could still be together if it wasn't for my egg being fertilized by his sperm. We could've done the whole abstinence thing but I seriously doubt we'd be together longer than two years let alone marriage.

Here I am, doubting myself about him & I. I keep reminding myself that months ago I believed we would be together forever. Now, here I am, pregnant, in a small coffee shop sitting across from my ex's friend to discuss how sad & miserable he has become since I've been gone.

My thoughts were thrown away as Ashton & I began to converse about my present life. We talked for several hours before having to leave the coffee shop because of closing hours. Chills were sent down my spine as we stepped outside, the cool winter air nipping at my uncovered skin. It fascinated my how dark it had become within the few hours we talked.

"What do we do now," he asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. We could go somewhere else & continue with this conversation, if you'd like?"

"Sure," he smiled, "Follow me."

I mocked his smile as I followed him to the parking lot. I stepped into the rental car, taking longer than normal because of the obstacle in the middle of my torso. I groaned, receiving a questioning look from Ash.

"Don't get pregnant," I answered the unasked question, "It's painful."

"I wasn't planning on it," he chuckled while starting the ignition to the car.

"There's a jacket in my bag," he nodded his head towards the back seat, "I can tell you're a bit cold."

I nodded my head, grasping the duffel bag over the seat & onto my lap. I pulled out one of his jackets before placing the bag back in its previous position. The warm material felt nice against my cool skin as I put my arms through the sleeves of the jacket. Although the jacket was a tad bit large, stopping right above my knees, I liked the feeling of having Ash's clothing wrapped around me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He nodded.

We drove for several minutes before Ashton parked the car in front of a familiar place. I smile rose on my face from the spot he chose to continue our conversation.

"How'd you know where the park was?" I asked, unbuckling my seat belt.

"I passed it on the way to the coffee shop. I thought it'd be a nice spot for a chat."

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