Chapter 14

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After Shay & I left the mall we tracked back to her house. I made sure it was fine with my mother if I could stay the night & surprisingly received a text message saying yes.

I thought how strange my mother had been acting lately. Usually if I asked to go somewhere other than Austin's apartment it was a stern no.

Ever since I sat down with her & talked about the 'problem' I had she acted like a total different person. She still was immature at times when she went out with her friends but she wasn't so strict with me as much. She wasn't as bipolar as before but her mood still would change in the blink of an eye, just not as frequently.

"Mom," Shay called out as she stepped into the living room.

I shook the snow off of my boots then took them off my feet to place them in the entry way. I walked up behind her as she called out for her father, then for Josh.

"They must be at a friend's house," she spoke uncertain.

I followed her to the couch where we both took a seat on. She turned on the TV & began to flip through the movie channels.

After finding a decent movie to watch, Shay stood up & began to walk towards the kitchen, "I'll make us some hot cocoa."

"Mmmk," I replied back.

I heard the light buzz of my phone vibrating & retrieved it from the pocket of my jacket. Confused, I stared at the screen uncertain who was texting me.


*Hello :)*

I waited a moment to think about who's number it could be then received another text that answered my question.


*It's Ashton btw :P*

I smiled & text him back.

To: Ashton

*Oh hey, it's Maddie :)*

From: Ashton

*I know who it is silly :P*

I giggled when I quietly read the message aloud, receiving an eyebrow raised look from Shay who was still working on the hot cocoa in the kitchen.

From: Ashton

*I think we should meet up tomorrow & have lunch, yeh? I need to talk to you.*

To: Ashton

*Okay but why can't we just talk now? In text?*

From: Ashton

*Rather talk in person than text.*

To: Ashton

*Fine but where?*

"Who you texting?" Shay startled me as she walked into the room & placed the mugs of cocoa on the coffee table.

"A friend of a friend," I smiled, knowing I was being annoying by not telling her.

"Maddie, tell me."

"I told you, a friend of a friend," I laughed as she glared at me.

"Well, since you won't tell me about who you're texting then tell me what you & cutie were talking about."

"Cutie?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ash," she replied as she took a sip of her cocoa.

"Oh." I thought of an easy way out of the pressure I felt I was being put in. I took a sip of my hot cocoa, extending my time to think of what to say or explain.

Fifteen and Expecting (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now