Chapter 6

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After Niall & I finished our date he dropped me off two blocks away from Austin's apartment.

Before I could step out of the car I was grabbed by my arm & was tugged back in. "You forget something."

"Huh?" I questioned.

Niall grinned while leaning towards me, over the divider. I leaned forward as well & met my lips with his.

The feeling arose inside me like it had when we were in the alley. My stomach was fluttering with butterflies & the only thing that processed in my mind was Niall. Only Niall.

I hadn't realized my fingers were tangling through Niall's hair until I heard him chuckle from the action.

'Am I doing this right?' I thought to myself. 'He's not backing away so I guess I am.'

I became aware of how different it was for me to do this when thousands of thoughts popped up in my mind. Damn. I was sure Niall noticed the strange feeling I felt when he slowly parted away from me.

"I'll see you later." His tone changed into something as if he was unsure of ever seeing me again.

Did the kiss really turn out that weird? Hmf.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Ni." I quickly planted a small kiss on his cheek then stepped out of the car.

I felt Niall's eyes on me as I walked down the block. My simple walk turned into a speed walk when I noticed a few more pairs of eyes on me.

A group of four boys who looked to be about a year or two older than me were leaning against a brick building. I looked down at the ground trying not to make any eye contact as I passed the group.

The boys whispered to each other & before I knew it I was being followed. My legs were moving faster & my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I was only a block away when one of the boys caught ahold of my jacket & pulled me towards him. My back pressed against his torso & a pair of arms wrapped around me.

I kicked at the boy & screamed for help but was found shit out of luck. "Put me down!" I yelled.

"No can do little missy," the guy to the left of me spoke. I wanted to slap the smirk right off his face then & there.

What the hell did these perves want with me?

"I said let go!" I clocked the guy who was carrying me in the cheek with my elbow & kicked my foot back to hit him in the crouch.

He dropped to his knees instantly, letting me free. I got to my feet & ran. I thought I would make it free but was stopped at the end of the alley by one of the boys.

I wasn't too frightened until I was met eye to eye with him. The hood of his jacket was pulled over his head, the shadow of it hiding half of his face.

The only thing that struck me was the scar on the left side of his face beginning at his temple & ending at his jawline.

"Please don't leave sweetie. The party's only begun."

I took a step back when he took one forward & had me bump into a slender body behind me. A pair of arms were wrapped around my waist again.

The scar-faced freak was only inches away from me when he whispered, "Now let's have some fun, yeh?"

I pleaded for them not to do anything for minutes but was shut up by a switchblade being pulled out of scar-face's jacket. "Shut your trap & you won't get hurt. Okay?"

Fifteen and Expecting (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now