Chapter 25

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I wrapped my arms around Spencer's waist & nudged my face into his chest, letting out a long sigh. From the surprised look on his face I guess he wasn't expecting the sudden action. He smiled down at me while wrapping both of his arms around me, mimicking my earlier actions.

"It's raining outside," he spoke while resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Mmm, wonderful," I sighed again.

"Don't be a grump about it," he laughed, "have a little fun with it."

I pulled away from the slender boy & raised a brow, "Fun? How do the words fun & rain go together, Spence?"

Spencer laughed as he slipped off of the counter, pulling me off with him. He held a firm grip to my wrist as he lead me to the front door.

"Put on your shoes."

I stared at him with a confused look but still slipped on my converse that sat by the door. He tied the laces to his black combat boots before pushing me out of the apartment & into the hallway.

"Have some fun," he shot me a smile as we ran down several flight of stairs to finally walk out the doors, being hit with a cool wind against our exposed skin. The rain was now just a sprinkle but puddles still surrounded the area.

"Are you cold?"

"No," I lied.

Spencer frowned at my reply & shook his head. He slipped off the thin jacket he wore to gently place the material over my shivering torso.

"Thanks," I half smiled while pulling the jacket around me more securely.

He smiled & began to walk through a puddle of water, leaving me alone by the entrance of the building. I ran after him & frowned, "What are we doing?"

"Roaming the streets. It's better than staying inside all night."

"If we get caught-"

Spencer cut me off by pressing his hand over my mouth, "We won't, I promise."

An hour & a half later we found ourselves in the usual hangout at the convenient store. Dripping wet, I stepped into the familiar shop with Spencer right behind me. Teenagers were spread around the place, all in individual groups, conversing with one another.

A group of preppy girls glanced at my stomach & continued to giggle on about it. I shook my head & sighed as I traveled to the back of the store where I usually stood any other day.

"Fuck them," Spencer whispered over to me while he grabbed a pop out of a fridge near us.

"I'll be right back."

I nodded & watched as he walked over to the register. I took out my phone & sent Shay a message before my attention was soon only focused on a pair of familiar eyes from across the store.

I quickly looked away, hoping Walker didn't see me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him whispering to his friends as his eyes continued to stay focused on my awkward self. Seconds later, Spencer returned with Shay by his side.

"Hey June bug," she laughed.

"Oh shut it," I spat, "Red alert."

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Red alert?"

"Shoosh," she covered Spencer's mouth & continued on, "Why the red alert?"

I turned my back to the group of teenage boys & whispered, "Winter formal asshole is here."

Fifteen and Expecting (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now