The Meeting

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The time was 11:30 am, my meeting with Yousef is in half an hour at a nearby park. I choose to wear my teamsuper <3 everyone shirt and put on some ripped jeans. I really anxious, Yousef is a big YouTuber and he probably gets a lot of requests from small Youtubers like me, I have to make him see that I actually care about YouTube and at the same time prove to my parents that I can do this. Okay I really need to stop giving myself lectures and finish getting ready, maybe I'll listen to some Selena Gomez while I do it.


Okay my video is done now all I need to do is upload and I'll be done. I look at the time and see that its 11:50, and jump up. OH SHIT IM GOING TO BE LATE! I still haven't showered and I don't know what I'm going to wear plus I think that park we're supposed to meet at is at least 15 minutes away. Oh my god, I can't let this be my first impression, I should text her.

Yousef: Hey I'm soo sorry, I'm running a little late, plus traffic is a bitch. I'll be there by 12:15 ish. I'm soooo sorry, really. I just lost track of time.

Lilly: Hey its fine don't worry. I'll be waiting. Honestly its fine, I completely understand. Just be safe and don't speed okay? Nothing is more important than your life.

Yousef: Thanks, and I'll be safe I promise. Sorry again L

Lilly: No need to be sorry. Truly, you're fine. Don't rush, I might even walk around a bit and get some exercise in, god knows I need it. J

Yousef: Thanks

Lilly: No problem

Fewh that was a close one, but damn she's really sweet. Now I'm really intrigued on meeting her. I should hurry up and shower, if I was in her spot I'd probably be mad that someone was late and would cancel on them. Damn I still can't get over how sweet she is.

** At the park**


So Yousef was running a little late, but honestly I was too. Washing my hair took longer than I thought it would. Thank god he messaged me first, I don't want him to get the impression that I'm the type of person who is late for everything. But dang, he seemed truly sorry for being late, that was so sweet! He already seems like a nice person! I can't wait to meet him; this should be interesting.


I got in my car and drove to the park, I hated making her wait, but I'll make it up to her. When I finally arrived at the park I saw this beautiful Indian girl, who looked stunning, with long hair standing by our meeting spot. For some reason I couldn't believe that this was the girl who tweeted me to meet up, damn she was gorgeous.


Oh my god, he's coming towards me, why do I feel nervous and shy all of a sudden? Lilly you are beautiful get your crap together.

Y: "hi, I'm Yousef Erakat, you must be Lilly or do you prefer Superwoman?"

L: "hello, Lilly is fine, nice to finally meet you!"

Y: "you too! do you want to sit somewhere? I'd love to get to know more about you and maybe even shoot a Collab video? Is that cool?"

L: "that sounds perfects, let's do it"

*** Later that night***


God this video is taking me forever to edit, its usually easy for me to edit. It's probably cuz you can't get that girl off your mind you idiot. She was amazing and sweet, I've never felt that way with any girl, man she's special I already know. And her hair! I really wanted to feel it but I thought it would be awkward, a complete stager just felling her hair would most likely creep her out. She reminds me of Pocahontas, that should be her nickname but I'll keep it to myself.


God he's so amazing! I wish to be as successful as him one day, he even knew how to use my camera focus and made my video quality better. He's a sweetheart. But I have this feeling inside me, I don't know what it is or why it's there but its new and I like it. I'm actually really excited about posting this video Monday, I can't wait! Hopefully we'll get to Collab again one day. then I just realized something, today I laughed and smiled more than I have in months. It must be because of Yousef, wow who knew how one person could affect you so much. I like this feeling; I like it a lot.

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