The truth comes out

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*Marie telling Yousef and Lilly the truth Alex and Lauren hid from them*

Alex and Lauren came into my office about two years ago and listed you two as the god parents of baby Arial. Lauren choose Lilly as the god mother and Alex choose Yousef as the godfather. Of course I asked them why you two in particular. Don't get me wrong I didn't think they should choose someone else but I wanted to know why not choose actual blood family. Alex has a brother named Arron and Lauren has many best friends, I've even meet a few. Their answer was "when the time comes they'll find their way back to each other. But first they have to find themselves". I was confused so I asked them about your current relationship, I knew you two were both seeing different people just from scrolling through your Instagram's, their reply was "they think they're happy with whoever they're with right now but they're just lying to themselves. Eventually they will realize this and so will their partner and call it quits. Just you wait and see". I trusted their judgment and added you both as godparents onto both of their wills. As I was about to add the last bit of detail Alex said "I have a favor to ask of you". I didn't think he'd ask me to do something illegal or something bizarre so of course I agreed, I would do anything in my power for those two, they're like my children that I never had.

A: "I'll tell Yousef that he's going to be Arial's godfather"

L: "and I'll tell Lilly that's she's going to be Arial's godmother"

A: "but we won't tell them who the other person is"

M: "what do you mean?"

L: "Lilly will never know that Yousef is the godfather and Yousef will never know that Lilly is the godmother"

M: "that's very odd, if you don't mind me asking why though? You want to be together and this might get them together"

A: "no they have to find each other by themselves then and only then will we tell them."

M: "but WHY?"

L: "because if we tell them that we choose both of them they might not agree. Let's say god forbid something happens to us they would have to be Arial's parents and with the stuff they are going through now they don't want nothing to do with each other."

M: "why not? They hate each other that much? and if they do why not find other godparents?"

A: "NO! Yousef and Lilly are our closest friends and we trust them to make the right decision when it comes to our baby girl."

L: "they haven't seen or heard from each other in a very long time, as far as we know. Things got really rough between those two last time they were together. That's why we want them to find each other on their own. If we tell them then they might get together for Arial's sake but they wouldn't do it because they want to. It would feel more like we forced them to be together and we don't want that."

M: "okay I understand, sort of. But now I have to ask this question, god forbid it happens"

A: "go ahead it never hurts to be prepared for the worst"

L: "I always say prepare for the worst and hope for the best"

M: "what do you want me to do if something happens to you two and Arial is left but her god parents still haven't found their way to each other?"

A: "well then you'll have to be the one to tell them who the other godparent is but if they want to be the godparents of Arial there is one condition"

M: "and what's that?"

L: "if they want baby Arial then they will have to get married and live together for a full year"

M: "really? I understand living with each other but why marriage?"

A: "for Yousef and Lilly to be able to live together without disrespecting their religion and their parents they have to get married"

L: "that's right. I know for a fact that Lilly's parents would agree to her living with a man and not be married to him. Also Yousef's mom might also get upset with him if he takes Arial under his wing but isn't married to her new mother"

M: "okay so for religious reasons"

A&L: "yes"

M: "what if they don't agree?"

A: "they have to!'

M: "I have to know what you want me to do if plan A fails"

L: "give Arial up for adoption"

M: "adoption? Really? What about your families. Wont they want to take her in?"

L: "our families never approved of our relationship. They never thought we'd get married and have a beautiful baby girl"

A: "plan A has to work. But Laurens right, if it doesn't give her up for adoption. She might have a hard time in life but neither of our families will treat her right"

M: "so adoption?"

A&L: "yes"

M: "okay I'll add everything to your wills and you should be set. Have a nice day"

And with that Alex and Lauren walked out of my office.


As I was telling Lilly and Yousef about the conversation that took place between me Lauren, and Alex in my office two years ago, Lilly interrupted me and said "so me and Yousef have to get married and stay together for a full year plus live together or baby Arial is given up for adoption"? "that's correct" I said. They both turned and looked at each other and then looked at Arial, sitting in Yousef's lap playing a game on his phone, then back at each other. Before I continued to tell them of everything that led up to this moment I said "I think I forgot to mention this in the beginning but I need an answer as soon as I finish telling you what happened"

Y: "WHAT! We don't even get to think about it"?

L: "are you serious?"

M: "I'm so serious. You would've had more time but you two are hard people to get in touch with and to bring together. I was struggling trying to find you two and also to try and find a way to get you two in the same place at the same time. But thankful YouTube came to my rescue with that event they're hosting"

L: "does everyone else know"?

M: "some not all. It was so sudden no one was expecting it"

Y: "how did it happen"?

M: "well about two weeks ago I got called to a nearby hospital. Its normal for me to get called to a hospital after one of my clients is involved in a car crash, so I didn't think much of it. But when I got to the hospital and went to the lady sitting at the front desk and asked her about Lauren and Alex she told me to have a seat because the doctor wanted to have a word with me. This is when I started to get worried, in all my years doing this job I knew when a nurses tells me that it means something horrible happened. So I waited for an hour and the doctor finally came out and told me that Alex and Lauren were dead but baby Arial managed to survive. From reading the police report I can tell you two that Alex and Lauren were on their way to dinner when a semi-truck slammed into their car. They both died at the scene of the accident but paramedics were able to save baby Arial and then rushed her to the hospital. Both their families till this day are outraged at what happened and blame each other for their deaths. Alex's family blames Lauren and Laurens family blames Alex. Two funerals were held for each one separately, sadly they weren't buried together like I think they would've wanted. But I managed to get both families to agree on one thing which is burry them both her in L.A. in the same cemetery. As for baby Arial, Alex and Lauren were right, neither side didn't want her and didn't care what happened to her so I took her under my wing. She's been with me for two weeks while I searched for you two and I can tell you first hand that she a handful. If you ever herd of the saying 'terrible twos', well just now it's not a lie. Anyway that's what happened and now it's time for you two to make your decision. Will you agree to the conditions and keep her or will I have to put her up for adoption?"

I can see that both of them were struggling to decide so I said "I'll give you two sometime alone" and walked away. I left Arial with them to hopefully to help them make the right decision. they have to realize this isn't some game and baby Arial's life was in their hands. God please help them make the right decision.

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