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Why did I agree to this? My poor legs, I'm sorry I did this to you. I thought this would be a quick, like three miles, hike. Guess how many miles it is? 18 MILES! I can barely survive three miles, how am I supposed to survive 18 miles? Apparently, I misread the little pamphlet Yousef gave me yesterday, because there was no way I would've agreed to this hike had I known it would be this long. Yousef's family is so damn fit, his brothers and their wives haven't complained once, whereas I haven't stopped complaining about my feet after the first mile was complete. I agreed to go on this hike because I hoped I could get to know Yousef's brothers better. But so far, the only thing I learned about the, is that they go hikes often and an 18-mile hike seemed like an 8-mile hike to them.

I happy Yousef hasn't left my side not even once. I thought he'd leave me walking alone and go with his brothers since they were going at a faster pace than me but he didn't. he held my hand the whole time and occasionally when we'd get to a steep hill he'd go up first then pull me up so I wouldn't have to struggle. Yousef brothers were about 3 miles ahead of us and Tina and her husband were about a mile and half ahead of us. So far, we only finished about six miles and I honestly don't think I can make it all the way up the mountain.

L: "Yousef is there a way to go back down without having to finish the trail?"

Y: "what? Why? come on Lils you got this, we're almost done"

L: "I don't think I can make it"

Y: "we only have 12 more miles to go. you got this. Trust me the view at the top is worth it"

L: "12! Yousef I barely survived 6!"

Y: "Lilly please. You got this"

L: "fine ill finish this hike but don't start complaining when my legs give up on me and you have to carry me to the top."

Y: "that's fine by me. now come on, if we keep going at this pace we won't finish till midnight"


I really want Lilly to finish this hike, the view at the end is beautiful. I always knew she wasn't the type of girl who like to go to the gym, do long hikes, or do any type of exercising. But part of me was sort of hoping that shed enjoy this hike so that we can do hikes more often and we can bring Arial with us. But so far, all Lilly's done is complain about her "poor legs". All she really needs is something to get her adrenaline pumping through her body, maybe a little harmless prank...... what should I do? hmmmm....

We managed to reach the half way mark, only 9 more miles to go. at the moment, Lilly was taking one of the many breaks she keeps taking. She was sitting on a rock and was on her phone, probably replying to emails even though I asked her not to. She needs a day off, being a YouTuber and a CEO of your own company means you always have to be on and that's not healthy for you or your body. Everyone needs to rest and take a day off, which Lilly can't seem to do. I don't know what she thinks will happen if she leaves Kyle or Nada in charge, I mean she hired them for a reason. Anyway, throughout the hike I've been trying to find some way to prank Lilly but I can't seem to think of anything. I did think about scaring her with a fake snake bur I don't have a fake snake, nor a real one. I also thought of changing her water with sparkling water but I didn't have that either, I also wanted to put a rock or something heavy in her hiking bag but I mean she struggling enough without the extra weight. Just as I was about to give up, I walked to the edge of the cliff and saw something. I got the perfect idea of how to prank Lilly. this prank will keep her adrenaline going for a while, its been a long time since I pranked someone. sorry Lils but you asked for this. 

Hey guys!! Sorry for not posting in a while, the prank part will go up tomorrow, maybe. I'm sorry, I'm so busy with studying for my finals next week and all the stress about my grades. I know everyone doesn't really pay attention to their grades till the last week of classes rolls around and then you want to do everything in your power to bring your grade up. Yeah that's me. anyway, try and guess what the prank is and I'll be honest it's a harsh prank, I'd be mad if anyone did it to me.

Much love,


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