The Time She Was Gone

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I woke up this morning to the sound of Bob Marley voice. The only time Lilly ever listens to Bob Marley is when she's down, needs hope, or is stressed. I immediately regretted telling her of my plans for the day. There was nothing to stress about and I wish she would understand. We didn't know what to expect to find today when we go, for all we know the address could be a fake and we would be wasting time by going. But I still wanted to go; I am not going to live my life worrying about someone hurting my family or me.

I got out of bed and walked over to Lilly's room. If she didn't turn down that music Arial will wake up. She usually gets grouchy when she doesn't get her full sleep. I knocked on Lilly's door but she didn't say anything. Did something happen to her? I opened the door, and rushed in fearing for the worst and was shocked at what I saw.

When I opened the door Lilly was just walking out of her bathroom with only a towel on. Lilly had just finished showering, no wonder she didn't answer me when I knocked the door. I knew I should probably turn away and leave her room but I was immediately turned on and I couldn't seem to stop staring.

I finally managed to pry my eyes away from her amazing body to look at her face. Lilly had a horrified expression, probably because she wasn't expecting to find me standing in her door way when she walked out of the bathroom. I messed up... big time.

Her reaction caused me to think straight again. I shook my head to clear my head and said "sorry" as I tried leaving her room.

"Wait... Don't go," she said

********You all know what happened next. Little nasty's (in Liza's voice) lol 😉******


Me, Ali and Aaron showed up to the address but we were in the middle of nowhere. We were all confused, how could a place that had no buildings, roads, and no nothing even have an address? There was no sign of anything or anyone for miles.

"Yo are you sure you didn't get the wrong address or something?" I said to Ali

"Nawh bruh this is the address that was given to us." Ali replied

"Why the fuck did your guy give us an address to an empty field? Did he not think to Google maps that shit before he handed it to you?" Aaron said harshly

"This is where the location of the phone that sent the message is. He only did what we asked of him" Ali snapped

"It's fine. Mistakes can happen. Just text him or call him and ask him if he's 100% that this is the right address. While you do that we'll look around." I said trying to spit them up. Them arguing is not what we need right now.

"There's nothing here bro! What are you going to look for?" Aaron said

"I don't know. Just try and find something. I didn't come all this way to leave empty handed." I said

We spent about two hours looking around but there wasn't anything that seemed odd. We didn't find anything or anyone. In the end we all gave up and decided to go home. This was a waste of time and it pained me to know that Lilly was stressing over nothing.


Yousef left a few hours ago and all I've done is cry, worry, and stress. I don't know why but I have this feeling in my bone that something bad is going to happen....

I busied myself in the kitchen with Arial just so I wouldn't stress about Yousef. Arial and me baked fresh cookies and were going to the prak in a bit. Maybe going out will help me relax a little and hopefully this feeling will go away.

Around fifteen minutes later Arial and me were dressed and ready to leave. All that was left to do is lock up. I went to the kitchen to grab my keys and set the alarm when I herd the doorbell ring. Could that be Yousef?

I went to answer the door, hoping to find Yousef on the other side of the door, but instead I was shocked at who was standing in front of me.

"Aman... What are you doing here? How did you find me" I said scared for my life

"ahllo love, its been a long time love" he said with a creepy smile on his face


Around 5 pm I finally got home. Lilly's car was still in the drive way so that meant se was home. I know I was gone for a couple of hours but I missed my girls so much.

I walked up the steps and took out my keys to unlock the door when I realized the door was unlocked. Why would Lilly leave the door unlocked when she knew there was someone out there who was trying to harm us? I got angry and realized she must've took out the trash or something and forgot to lock up afterwards, mistakes happen. As long as they're safe, that's all that matters to me.

I walked into the house and realized there was no sound coming from the living room, which was awfully strange. I yelled Lilly's name and Arial to see where they were but got no reply.

I was starting to worry, Lilly told me she was going to stay home all day or maybe go to the park with Arial, but who would go to the park at 5?

After looking though the house for what seemed like the thousand time Ii realized Lilly and Arial were really gone. I started to freak out, what should I do? I called sim immediately

Sim came over in a snap and I asked her if she knew of Lilly's schedule for today.

"Lilly said she canceled everything for today. The only thing that she said she might do is go to the park with Arial" sim said

"She told me the same thing but sim they aren't here?" I said, stating the obvious

"Maybe she had to make an extra stop or something. Her shoes aren't by the door and Arial's aren't either "

"Her cars in the drive way though and she would answer her phone. What if something happened to them? God please."

I picked up my phone again and dialed Lilly's number for what seemed like the thousandth time. Still no answer.

"Maybe a friend came over and she decided to go out with them"

" Let's check the security cameras and see" I said as I walked towards our TV monitor.

I went to my office and opened up the security camera feed. Everything seemed normal, no one came or went by our house for the first two-three hours.

Just as I was about to call it quits something caught my eye.

"Hey sim, check out that car" I said

There was this red Toyota Camry, it drove back on fourth by our house but always slowed down when it was in front of our house.

"That's the fifth time I saw that car. Do you think that car has to do with kill not being home."

"I don't know. Let's keep watching and find out" sim relied

We continued watching the feed but around 2:30 a delivery guy walked up to the front door. I didn't think much of it till I herd sim gasp.

" What's wrong. " I said curious as to what caught her attention

"Yousef you don't know who that is?" She said with a worried expression on her face

" A delivery guy..." I replied

"Look closely, you idiot. Yousef.... That guy is Aman"

"What? Why would he come to our house?"

As much as I didn't want to believe her it was true. The next few minutes will forever scare me. I watched as Aman drugged my wife and daughter and dragged them into his red Toyota Camry.

Lilly and Arial were abducted...

To all the Amilly shippers I have nothing against Aman but he's the only one that came to mind when I needed a bad guy lol.



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