The Wedding pt:2

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This is it, its time. I'm getting married. I'm so damn nervous my hands won't stop shacking and I'm sweating buckets. You got this Yousef come on man, everyone's waiting on you.


Oh my god, I'm stressed. Anxiety is all the way up, I don't think I can do this. I'm so nervous! What if I trip? What if Yousef doesn't like my dress? Oh my god stressssss!


I can tell that both Yousef and Lilly are stressed but I'm 100% sure that once they see each other all of those feeling will fade. Lilly came in first followed by her mom and sister then Yousef's mom and sister. Lilly sat on the couch while everyone stared at her, she looks beautiful, and her makeup her jewelry Yousef got her. She looked like a Disney Indian princess, Yousef will be lost at words when he sees her. After Lilly was done taking pictures with her family it was Yousef's turn to walk in. when Yousef walked in I could tell he was shocked at how much people actually showed up, he was so shocked that he froze. I'll be honest I was shocked as well, all these people showed up and they were notified yesterday. The hotel venue was packed with his family and Lilly's family. Ali touched Yousef shoulder, I knew he was trying to encourage him that he could do this and Yousef nodded and kept walking. The look on Yousef's face when he saw Lilly was priceless, he was in complete awe. Lilly was blushing like a little girl which was so cute, honestly these two are meant to be together. After they snapped some pictures the wedding reception begun and the dancing started. I honestly feel like I lost 10 pounds just by dancing. The funny thing was that on one side Yousef family member were doing their normal Arabian dance moves and on the other side Lilly's family were doing their Indian dance moves; but once the DJ played some American music everyone started dancing together.

*an hour later*

It was time for the wedding to take place. Lilly got up to put on her wedding dress and Yousef went to change into a suit. Honestly I couldn't believe how shy they were acting around each other. They would have small conversations but the rest of the time they looked at everyone else dancing. Yousef told me right after the wedding he was going to take Lilly to a hotel close to the airport and the next day they would take Arial and fly to the Bahamas and enjoy some time together. It was my job to bring Arial to them and make sure to pack whatever she may need because there was no way Lilly and Yousef will have time to go shopping after the wedding.


Lilly is so damn gorgeous and so was Arial, my heart melted when I saw both of them. I hope that this relationship will work out because god I don't know how id survive without them. I didn't see Arial nor Lilly all day and it was killing me, but it was so worth it. I got dressed in my suit in record time and went back out to the venue. It still shocks me at how much people actually showed up. As I was about to sit on the couch set up in the middle of the venue Lilly's dad came up to me.

LD: "so you're the guy that broke my daughter's heart"

Y: "I'm so sorry sir, I was young and naive"

LD: "why are you rushing this wedding? You didn't do anything stupid like get my daughter pregnant did you?"

Y: "no! No, I swear I haven't touched her...yet. It's just today means a lot for us and we thought what better way than to get married today"

LD: "I can tell my daughter is crazy about you, even though she tries to hide it but if you break her heart again I swear you won't live to see another day"

Y: "I understand sir, I will try my hardest to make her the happiest girl in the world and If I do hurt her I give you permission to kill me right on the spot. Lilly deserve someone so much better than me but she got stuck with me"

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